Living Liturgically Part 4: Being Fed on the Sacraments
I didn't know I missed You until the first public daily Mass came and my heart ached because I couldn't receive You due to my intense workload and work schedule while working at home, and then I cried.
I thought prayer and virtual worship were sufficing, bringing enough of You into my life.
But I was wrong. There is mysterious power in Your True Presence that is a gift of Your Holy Church.
When at my first Mass back on Pentecost, the priest held the host up and proclaimed "Behold, the Lamb of God," tears came to my eyes unexpectedly. Then later I cried some more.
My reaction surprised me.
I didn't know deep down I had an intense love for the Eucharist.
I didn't know that the ache was an ache for You.
I didn't know that under the anticipation and joy I felt in receiving You again, there would be tears of love that came.
Perhaps I love You more than I thought I did, Lord.