Make Me a Modern Channel of Your Peace: A Satire Story
As I watched the news reports of my governor marching today in a non social-distancing group of hundreds and hundreds of people during his own stay-at-home orders (to stop the spread of COVID-19), it hit me: we got played. By that I mean the entire Catholic Church.
Definition of “to be played:”
Yeah. Played.
We're limited to a skeleton group of worshipers at our churches. To attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the pinnacle expression of what it means to be a Catholic follower of Jesus, has not been permitted by our bishops for many weeks due to our elected leaders cries that many will die if we congregate. COVID-19 was a threat to lives we were told. It was right for our religious leaders to protect lives. I commend them.
But I have other words for our elected leaders, the mayors of big cities and governors of many states who forced us to not congregate. Today, I see many mayors and governors are encouraging people to congregate in large groups for hours and hours because they support their cause.
Where is OUR faith, OUR worship? Well, limited to YouTube and Facebook.
Why don't these governors ask the protesters to protest on social media to protect lives? Or is COVID-19 fears a ruse?
I'd say the later based on our mayors, governors and others that don't seem to mind spreading around the novel virus.
Gov. Tom Wolf and many others said to hell with social distancing. They said there are more important things. They're right. Some things are much more important, like the commandment of Jesus:
“And when He had taken some bread and given thanks, He broke it and gave it to them, saying, 'This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.'"
See you at Mass on Sunday.