A Sweet Experience of Jesus' Sacred Heart
These days, many ministries have fizzled out and you may be wondering how you can proclaim the Gospel and serve the people of God. I too was wondering that.
Some of my volunteering has gone virtual, but most roles are virtually out of commission right now. I kept asking God how He wanted me to minister in light of this, especially now that I’m fired up with the Eucharist and Holy Spirit again.
One day, I found myself in a spiritually-rich conversation with a young lady and she brought up wanting to help others in a particular way. I found myself saying the answer to my own question! Truly a Spirit-led moment.
I told her that we can minister in an abundance of ways right within our own situation even without having a particular role.
I can’t tell you how many new and random people I have had come into my life to “disciple” right now, and the faith conversations and invitations have been daily. I found myself saying that we can minister in the very daily situations of our life -- our friends, the people we encounter, our families, social media, on Zoom, in faith sharing groups, in actual ministries, and across the secular spaces we find ourselves in. We don’t have to put ministry on hold.
Further, as I reflected more on this, I realized that ministry is not a role. It’s a way of life -- or at least it should be. It should be woven into our every word and action, and in every situation of our lives. Was there ever a moment Jesus wasn’t ministering to others? Even through just His presence? He is our model of the Gospel Way.
So yes, you can minister to others right now at any moment -- and in fact, that’s how you truly live the Gospel. Watch how God moves in your life right now, the people that come into your life, and the situations you encounter. Those are your everyday opportunities to minister as Christ did.
Ministry is not out of commission. YOU have been commissioned!