"This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice in it and be glad!" (Ps 118)
Who was the last soul God sent to Hell? Many would respond with some of the most notorious persons or dictators of history. Too many from the 20th century certainly stand out prominently and quite a few of us can remember the recent events of these monstrous personalities being taken down.
Our world is filled with evils that seem to ingratiate these persons who want nothing to do with God, His Church, and the myriads of souls that cling to goodness through Jesus Christ. When reading some of the atrocities brought about by endless purveyors of control and the ugliness they emirate upon those who seek freedom, we wonder what the future may hold for us.
At times, when one of these satan-induced personalities goes down there may be a cry of relief knowing this person is in Hell. If that is so was it God who sent their soul plummeting into the abyss of no return? The question above of who was the last soul God sent to Hell may be answered simply God does not send souls to Hell.
As the heading states, the very essence of God is love in its deepest concept and there can be no other explanation of who and why God IS. To condemn anyone to Hell would be a contradiction of God’s Nature. Keep in mind that God wants all souls to be with Him in eternity. The choice will always be ours.
“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad the leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few.” (Mt. 7: 13-14). Those who go to Hell send themselves there because they have freely chosen to live without God. That choice is something God allows them the privilege to seek. God will not interfere with free-will and that is exactly what those who decide to reject God are exercising.
In Physics we know there are opposites to everything. Heaven describes an eternal existence with Almighty God where everything is in light. Revelation describes the Heavenly Jerusalem as being lighted by; “The city had no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gave it light, and its lamp was the Lamb.” (Rev. 21: 23). We shall find that light is because of the presence of God. In Hell without the presence of God there is eternal darkness.
When we think of love do our hearts feel joyful with the resonance of a sound that can only be felt deep within our souls? The real crescendo of a heartbeat is exemplified by the response we get when another person shares the same meaning in life that we understand. This is the love of God.
St. John describes God as Love in his first letter that pronounces the Love of God. “Beloved. let us love one another, because love is of God. God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him. This is the commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother. (Jn. 4: 7, 16 b, 21).
The love that emanates from the very essence of God is so perfect and holy if we were to look upon his face we would die. That is why only those who are holy and perfected from all sin will be allowed to enter heaven with God. The choice will be ours and God will quickly welcome us.
Ralph B. Hathaway, Summer 2020