What I Found in Merton's The Seven Story Mountain
I've been reading a book on Christian Meditation as a pathway to oneness with God, and in the middle of reading the book one evening, I came across a line that struck me: The wisdom source will be there.
The book was saying that if you embark on this difficult meditative path toward union with God, the wisdom source will be there. They will show up to lead you.
Right now in my life, I feel like I'm more void of that wisdom source, and there's been a silent panic inside about that. During COVID, many have dried up. I still have more healing and growth to do, and I could feel God reassuring me that a wisdom source will come to lead me. I need only stay on the path.
I came to learn through this book that a senior wisdom source is part of the path -- that is someone who has walked the path a little longer than me. It's part of how God provides for us on this spiritual journey. For some, I am called to be that wisdom source, and for me, others are called to be that wisdom source. It's this beautiful passing down of the secrets of the journey to the kingdom of God within through the generations.
So know, if you choose to embark on this spiritual journey, this path of union to God, God will provide the wisdom source to guide and lead you. You need only follow the path.
Consider who your wisdom source is, and who you may be called to be a wisdom source to right now.