I wonder ... if you were to go out in the streets and ask people at random to finish this phrase, what would they say:
I believe ... ... ...
I guess some would say I believe the world is in a bad state right now.
Others might hope for better times and believe that all will be well soon.
Some might believe that there's too much fake news in the world and we don't know what to believe as true or lies.
Maybe people believe that they should keep their heads down, work hard and look after their families.
The pessimists may believe that the economy will get worse and people may lose their jobs and homes. This may lead to further problems ahead.
The optimists may believe that all will be well, they'll do well in life and get what they hope for - be it a good job, home, car or whatever.
The conspiracy theorists will believe whatever conspiracy theorists always believe at any moment in time regarding whatever subject we're discussing.
I wonder ... ... ...
How many people would say - I believe in one living God. The Creator of all things. Who is in control of all things no matter what mess we make of this world.
It seems to me, (correct me if I'm wrong), that people these days are distancing themselves from God. You know ... just like when a politician, or a celebrity, a well known personality, does or says something we don't approve of, and his friends and colleagues distance themselves from the statement or the person.
People are distancing themselves from God.
It is not fashionable these days to say we believe in God. It's not the done thing. We keep our beliefs and religion to ourselves. We don't discuss them openly, in public, at work, or in the pub, the gym or elsewhere. Some of us don't even discuss religion at home.
There was a time when people prayed as a family at home. There was a time when people prayed in schools before lessons began. There was a time when people made the Sign of the Cross before meals, or said Grace.
What? Say Grace before meals in a restaurant? You must be joking. People will think I am weird.
People will think I am weird.
That is why we distance ourselves from God. That is why we don't openly talk about Him. That is why we don't pray so often. Or teach our children about God. It's the school's job to teach about God - but - the school does not, because it sees this as the parents' job. And the children grow up not knowing God.
You cannot distance yourself from Someone you do not know.
And generations grow up not knowing God breeding more generations not knowing God even more.
And a world without God is chaos.
That's what I believe.