The Holy Innocents and Abortion
Today´s post is to think about our own marriage, but also for those who have kids who are dating and thinking about getting married, so you can help to instruct them to the path they are preparing to follow.
What is marriage? Why get married? Is it really necessary to assume this commitment? Why in the Church do people say marrriage is for the rest of your life? Those are some of the questions young couples preparing for marriage should ask before choosing to enter a matrimonial contract, because wrong or unreflected answers about those questions are a great threat for the family these days. Estas são algumas perguntas que os jovens namorados e noivos deveriam fazer antes de optarem por contrair matrimônio, sendo que respostas equivocadas ou irrefletidas sobre estas perguntas são uma das grandes ameaças à família de hoje.
The word vocation came from the Latin word “vocare” that means calling. We were all called to fulfill a mission that God predicted for each one of us since all eternity and through it, we will go back to the Father´s Home, to Heaven.
The marriage vocation is a journey to God with a mate. So, by hearing the call to matrimony, it´s necessary to be aware that, from the altar´s 'yes', the couple will walk their way to Heaven together. Each one with their own Personal Ideal (God´s project for their own life), with their own originality, but they will only get to the final destination, through their spouse.
Their mission is now, not only get to Heaven fulfilling their Personal Ideal, but to also lead his/hers spouse to Heaven, facilitate his/hers way, help him/her fulfill their mission.
In the vocation of Matrimony, one comprehends the availability to give yourself to the other person with the strong purpose to eradicate all selfishness and individualistic self-centeredness, looking always for promoting the dignity of the other, his/hers happiness and fulfillment, through comprehension, tolerance, forgiveness, generous service, disinterested availability and profound solidarity.
This vocation for marriage, though, is not for everyone. Jesus once told us: “For there are men who, from birth, were without sex: and there are some who were made so by men: and there are others who have made themselves so for the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to take it, let him take it." (Matthew 19:12)
Therefore, each person should think deeply if he or she is really called to the bond of matrimony, so later he or she won't be the cause of unhappiness for themselves and for their spouse, and also for the children that can be born from a relationship that shouldn´t exist.
“Marriage isn´t an adventure or a 'shot in the dark' like some people say; it is a serious life project taken by two people, where each one is committed in making the other grow, i.e., being better each day. If the wife doens´t become a better person because of her husband´s presence by her side, and vice versa, so their marriage is meaningless (…)" (Prof. Felipe Aquino)