What do you do when your day goes bad?
Back at the time of the Declaration of Independence, the signers became the most wanted men. The British wanted to make an example of these men. The signers knew this. John Hancock’s large signature seemed to be a taunt to the British; “come and get me”. These men had courage and lived in hope that their courage could overcome tyranny.
As baptized Christians (sons and daughters of God), we are targeted as well. We are targeted by Satan and all of the evil spirits. They oppose God and since we have aligned ourselves with God in our baptism, we have become wanted men and women. We are under attack, whether we recognize it or not. To not fight back would be to surrender to the tyranny of Satan. But we have hope.
In this fight, we need a weapon. We need a spiritual weapon. No physical weapon, no matter how powerful, scares even the lowest of evil spirits.
But what are our spiritual weapons? For one, calling on Dad. If we are sons and daughters of the Almighty, we need to go to Him. We need to place ourselves in His camp. Living outside of His camp leaves us vulnerable. And Our Father’s camp is THE Church. Within the Church, Our Father takes care of us.
He provides for us, ‘give us this day, our daily bread’. He brings us back into His camp when we stray, ‘forgive us our trespasses’. And He guides and protects us, ‘lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil’.
He feeds us with His Son in Holy Communion. He forgives us through His priest in Confession. He guides us by His Spirit in Confirmation. And He continually protects us even when we do not follow His guidance and need His forgiveness.
And do we have a Father without a Mother? Indeed not. We have Mary. Of course, she is not God like Our Heavenly Father is, but she is our Mother in Heaven. And not only Mother, but also made Queen by God! So, we go to her as well, especially in reciting the Rosary. And while going to Our Father gives us an easy win against Satan, going to our Mother is also a win against Satan. But this win is humiliating for Satan. It is one thing to lose against God, but quite another to lose to a humble handmaid. And so we have another spiritual weapon, definitely worthy of the fight.
We need to be courageous. We are targeted because of our baptism and have a fight for our souls regardless if we see it. We must stay within Our Father’s camp, the Church, and let Him provide for us, forgive us, guide us, and protect us. There we can also call upon our Mother for her maternal assistance in a fight that she has already won herself.
Jesus, You were courageous in the face of those looking to kill You. Indeed, You knew before You entered Mary’s womb of the attacks the Devil would make against You. You entrusted Yourself to the care of a humble handmaid and a humble carpenter to keep You safe. May we also entrust ourselves to the care of Our Heavenly Father within His Church and the Blessed Virgin Mary with Joseph. Amen.