Are Your Sufferings Giving Glory to God?
One of the fruits of this time of COVID in my life has been the increasing comfort with silence. Noise feels noisier these days. Song, media and noise used to be a consistent way I heard God, but nowadays, I spend more time in the silence of life, listening to that whisper and enjoying His presence.
I noticed this when I was running last week, and was essentially tuning out the Christian music that was on. Afterwards, I wished I ran in silence. Then I noticed it again when I was writing one day, as well as cooking and washing dishes the past few weeks. Silence had become a peaceful place where I heard God most clearly and felt God’s presence most prominently. Silence no longer created discomfort. It was a place where I was in communion with God.
Many of us are uncomfortable with silence, and so was I for many years. My journey into silence has been a long one, but over time, I’ve found that God has led me into more comfort with it and I’m less resistant to it, which is a grace for sure.