Your Greatest Calling is to be a Son or Daughter of God
George Floyd has died tragically. COVID-19 is a worldwide pandemic killing thousands. And yet, abortion is still killing the most innocent of us, even more than COVID-19. Our world is suffering. Well, of course it is. We did not need COVID-19 or the tragic death of George Floyd to know that, but sadly that is what it has taken for us to finally realize it. Are we just too dense?!?
Now that we see the suffering in our world, what are we going to do? Sure, you may think that you are unable to do anything by yourself. It only took one man to end the gladiator games in Rome. “Telemachus was an ascetic monk from the east who, upon coming to Rome, was horrified at the cruelty of the gladiator games. … Telemachus ran into the middle of the gladiator games and tried to physically stop the gladiators from fighting. The spectators were so upset that they stoned him to death. The Emperor Honorius was so disturbed by the murder of the holy monk that he banned the gladiator games from that day forward. They were never resumed – that was that.” -
Sure, but he was a saint. But what can I do? The only limits you have are those you place on yourself. You are a son or daughter of God! Your power is in how you live out your relationship to God the Father. Do you limit God’s ability to work through you? The Almighty is your FATHER! “[H]ow much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him.” – [Matthew 7:11]
Ok, so what should I do? We need to ask Our Heavenly Father for ‘good things’. What do we need? ASK for that. When a child asks their parent for something, sometimes the parent gives the child a task or set of tasks to accomplish before the parent will answer the request. Do we think Our Heavenly Father is any different? So when we ask of Our Heavenly Father, we need to listen for what He requires of us to answer the request. Ask, ask, ask, ask, and then listen twice as much for Your Father’s answer.
Jesus, You show us the Father. Help us to see Your Father as Our Father. Help us to ask Our Father for our needs and for the strength to do what He asks of us. Amen.