Oh, the good I could have done! The sin of omission.
For some, the Catholic Church’s teaching on the Eucharist is hard to believe and sometimes a stumbling block. We must recall that it was when Jesus taught it too! In the Bread of Life discourse in John 6, we find the only time Jesus had disciples leave Him. “As a result of this, many [of] his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him.” – [John 6:66]
Jesus’ Bread of Life discourse stands out. Every time He was questioned on it, He took it further. It was obviously something He was not going to relax on. If He would have given in, would we ever have such an intimate opportunity with Him than Holy Communion? He gives Himself completely to you and to me individually. Surely, He loves us too much to have let public opinion stand in the way of such an intimate experience with us.
In this time without public Masses, emphasizing the importance of the Eucharist may seem like salt in the wound. But it is more meant to be a reminder for us. Sure, we cannot receive Jesus in the Eucharist like we want, but we should … no, we MUST not let this lessen our desire to receive Him as such. Jesus did not give in to complacency and neither should we.
Jesus, Your desire to be intimately united to us in Holy Communion infinitely outdoes our desire to receive You in Holy Communion. Enflame our hearts to desire You as we ought, so that You are all we want. Amen.