Recently, two of my good friends have shared their eye-opening stories of Covid in their lives. Both sounded the alarm---this virus is nothing to mess with. One friend, Bryan, especially was detailed in his account.
"I got tested because some people whom I came in contact had told me they caught the virus. When I tested I didn't have any symptoms but lo and behold I came out positive. Now I'm not sure how I caught the virus and I'm not saying I caught it from the others who had it but I was shocked when I was told I was positive.. The clinic then preceded to give me a chest x ray to also find out that both my lungs had pneumonia.. I was in complete shock but since I didn't have symptoms at the moment. (His story follows.)
Day 1-No Symptoms
2,3- High Fever, Persistent severe cough, Chest tightness, Diarrhea, Muscle weakness, chills and fatigue
4 -low fever, Persistent severe cough, Chest tightness, loss of taste and smell
5-14- Loss of taste and smell, shortness of breath, cough, fatigue,
By day 5 but the greatest challenge took place when I had trouble breathing. I went back to the urgent clinic after having shortness of breath. They said if I don't improve after 48 hours go to the emergency room. I ended up going to the ER 48 hours later to be put in a waiting room for 6 hours. Eventually when I was called upon and they ran tests the doc told me my pneumonia was not good and it looks like I have 2 different pneumonias after doing a CT Scan. The hospital wanted to admit me but they said they didn't have any beds left but they can leave me on a stretcher till something opens up. I was freezing cold, uncomfortable and felt anxious. I told them to just tell me what to do I'll try and take care of it at home since they had no rooms available. As soon as I got home I called my primary care doctor to have him guide me through. When I got home I had begun to experience the many terrible side effects to the drugs and steroids given to me. It was so bad that I thought I was going to die then and there."
My friend would be seen in the ER again, sent to another hospital, and because he was a pastor, all his family, church family and many others rallied in prayer for him.
"I can tell you that because of their prayers, I believe God performed a miracle that no other doctor could explain. When I was in the ER I waited almost 7 hours before being called upon. It was terrible sitting in a chair with a mask that makes it harder to breathe. They said they had to run the tests all over again since I was in a new hospital. When they ran the tests they said my Pneumonia was clear. I couldn't believe what they told me, because not even 24 hours ago the other hospital told me it was serious. The doctor said they looked over it and don't understand how that was possible. Well the hospital decided to get the records from the other the hospital and when they read the report they decided to admit me anyways because the report came out extremely severe. They wanted to do a CT again and run more blood tests just to be sure. SO they admitted me for treatment they had to put me in a room with a stretcher again because they had no beds. It wasn't until the next day they gave me a bed. They ran tests and pumped drugs in me that made me feel terrible which also I believe makes things worse for many patients. The nurses and staff were so busy they didn't have time to ever attend to me. They even put in a trash bag with a toilet seat because they wouldn't let me use the restroom in a bathroom because I was positive. The CT results came back at the second hospital that the pneumonia was still there but very mild and they didn't understand how my lungs changed so quickly.
Long story short I began my recovery a couple days ago but I do have symptoms of shortness of breath which could be my lungs are still inflamed with mild pneumonia. By God's grace I will get through. This has been one of the most traumatic experiences of my life and truthfully according to data my case is only a mild case of Covid knowing they didn't have to put oxygen or a ventilator on me. I pray and hope everyone takes this seriously! While social distancing and masks are encouraged and necessary there is nothing that compares to having a healthy lifestyle and diet through NUTRITION, EXERCISE, WATER, SUNLIGHT, TEMPERANCE, AIR, REST and TRUST IN GOD.. This will be your greatest weapon against this virus!"
Beloved of God: His commands to us has always been--"FOLLOW THE RULES, or you shall die." He tells us this not to be a tyrant dictator; but because He loves us and wants to protect us from our pains and struggles. Follow His rules, if you want to REALLY LIVE the life He has planned for each of us. Peace be with you as you breathe in the Holy Spirit of God. follow the rules and stay healthy. :)