Why is it that "Social Justice Catholics" seem to not care about the one social justice issue that is at the core and foundation of every other social justice issue we are suffering from in the country and world right now - abortion.
This includes our bishops, who seem to have no issue calling out activities and political policies regarding immigration, including illegal immigration, yet crickets when it comes to the killing of innocent, defenseless babies in the womb.
Why is it that so many of the bishops and clergy seem to tolerate abortion while seemingly become enraged and moved to action by the lessor evils perpetrated in this country, whether legally or illegally.
I personally am tired of it, I am also tired of fake Catholics who bash on President Trump, while supporting political leaders that stand up for everything the Catholic Church condemns. What the Catholic Church teaches on these various issues matters, and is authoritative. There are certain non-negotiable issues that we simply cannot support in any way. Sometimes, it comes down to voting for the candidate that might not personally appeal to us. The bottom line is, we must align ourselves to those candidates that align themselves most closely to the teachings of our Church on these five non-negotiable issues:
* abortion - Catholics are vehemently opposed to this, in case you didn't know, it is murder and a crime that cries out for justice!
* Embryonic Stem Cell Research - simply, as Catholics, we don't harvest embryos (human life) so they can be used as scientific experiments, this also moves into the whole notion of IVF or Invitro Fertilization, where many embryos are created, and then frozen for years and decades. Hopefully, they are fortunate enough to be discarded. I find this horrific. Life begins at conception and is infused with an eternal soul, I despair when thinking of all those human souls being held hostage in frozen Petri dishes.
* Euthanasia - Catholics believe that life is precious and a gift from God, from womb to tomb, and suffering is redemptive, we don't kill others just because they become inconvenient, or too expensive to care for. "Mercy" killing is anything but.
* Same Sex Marriage - Again, there are a multitude of Catholics who think this is okay and label Catholics committed to the teaching of the Church as intolerant. Well, yes we are, we are intolerant of sinful lifestyles, especially when they are promoted and honored as noble activities. Being gay or suffering from same sex attraction is not a sin. We all have inclinations for sinful behavior, especially sexual sinful behavior. It is how we act upon those implications that either lead us to redemption or destruction
* Human Cloning - Again, why do disregard and diminish the sanctity of life to such a high degree. As a Catholic we cannot support this effort, we are not anti science, we created the Scientific Method for crying out loud, and have been leaders and pioneers in scientific discovery. As Catholics, we know the line that we can never cross though and remain true to our God.
It is shameful that so many of us are unaware and ignorant of our responsibilities as Catholics. It really isn't about what we feel or what we think. When we lose ourselves in pride and arrogance and fall into the relativism of determining for ourselves what is truth, then we are wading into dangerous waters and putting our soul into peril.
So many of the so called left, who promote behavior and actions that are illegal and divisive are the same among us who call out others for being wicked people. So, on one hand this group declares "Who am I to judge" when it comes to sinful behavior, but then calls out others who do not conform to their ideologies and judge their hearts. This group has it all backwards, we are called to "inform the ignorant", and call out sinful action. We are NOT permitted to judge someone's heart.
None of us are perfect, and God has a beautiful way of using our imperfections and stupidity to bring about his great glory. From the opening books of Genesis, we have Fathers of our Faith who have committed ghastly crimes, yet found repentance and redemption in God, and moved on to become the Heroes of our Faith. If we knew our Salvation History we would understand this, but so many of us are exceedingly ignorant of our Faith and unwilling to learn it, yet are rambunctious about spewing the lies and deception of what they think are Faith is, or what they want are Faith to be, ignoring all that is True and Worthy and revealed through the One, Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church.
Beware, there will be ramifications for such behavior, there will be punishment. There could be Hell.
The truly magnificent aspect of all of this, is that it is never too late. It is never to late to repent and change, and start a new. Each day is a renewal, and each day is a battle and struggle. It isn't going to be easy. Satan rules this world and has masterfully veiled his evil in notions, ideas and causes that on the surface appear good and well intentioned, yet remember, the road to Hell is paved with seemingly good intentions, not necessarily right or truthful ones.