What are God's plan for this world? What are God's plans for you? Read all about what God is doing, what He plans to do, and how much He LOVES you. It is all there---in between the covers of the Bible.
If you are reading only what the media is saying---then you are NOT getting the TRUTH about what is happening in our world today. From the beginning of the Bible, from the beginning of life---God has left us with all the information that we need to LIVE our life and to live it fully!!
Are you puzzled, confused, fearful of all that you are reading about or seeing in the headlines. Rather from the paper or from the screen? Those words are like 'chicken little' running about and saying the sky is falling. That chicken PERCIEVED that what fell and hit her was pieces of the sky.
The same is true for what anyone is feeling, experiencing, seeing etc. It is their perception of what is happening, mixed in with some facts that has all of us going in different directions with what we are to believe. So, go to the Source of all Wisdom and Truth, Understanding and Knowledge--go to the Holy Spirit of God! Draw away and SEEK the Truth from God!!
ALL the answers, all the facts,TRUTHS have been written over 2000 years ago, inspired by God. The Bible still contains all the knowledge and information that is relevant for our lives today. That is why it is called the LIVING BIBLE. The Words in the Bible-- give life to us. The Words of God have the power of God in them. Our Sword in time of trouble!! Healing for those who hear and believe! Just as our thoughts and knowledge give us the ability to live from one day to another--God's Thoughts#Words: like God Himself--have no beginning and have no end.
READ all about what God has spoken, and LIVE!
Peace be with you as you breathe in the Holy Spirit of God.