Triumph of the Holy Cross
Cafeteria Catholics. This is a term hardly used since it enables those who are too Orthodox in their thinking to put others down who need to express their own feelings or consciousness of Church teaching.
However, this does not mean that those in the pews are free to make or follow unorthodox teachings that conflict with the Catholic Catechism of the Church. It does allow for some forward thinking and discussion on issues that might be controversial and seek answers to questions that we all should be informed of.
Recent statements that have been publicly brought out by Catholic politicians opens a hard look at this term. By now, most persons watching the news of the upcoming election for the President of the United States have heard from different people involved with the politics on right-to-life issues.
Donna Brazile, a Political Strategist and now working with Fox News was recently questioned why she was pro-choice as a Roman Catholic. Ms. Brazile said she is free to determine what she does with her own body and she is a good Catholic. Vice-president Joe Biden is a Cradle Catholic yet he supports the agenda of the Democratic Party, or now referred to as the Liberal Left, of abortion on demand. I wonder what happened to the Catechism he learned from. Just tonight on Fox News, August 7, 2020, it was shown that 20,000,000 black babies have been aborted, while 60,000,000 have been aborted. These statistics alone should be enough to sicken even the most liberal Christian, especially Roman Catholics. Bad enough that Planned Parenthood has become a force supported by the Left, but now politics has entered the picture by promoting this evil that goes back to Catholics making the choice of a new type of religion by falling into New-age philosophy.
There was a time, a great number of years ago, that the Democratic party stood for the working populace and human rights. That has changed and I am afraid that a new type of adherence from the Powers-That-Be may become the ruling factor of a future for our children and will not look like anything the U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights promotes.
I am not telling anyone how to vote this November, but doing the right thing by voting is going to make a difference in who and what controls the Congress. If we think Covid-19 is a horrible affliction controlling our every move, putting the wrong people in the White House will make this disease look like a walk-in-the-park. When Roman Catholics forget that the Church denounces Abortion remember it is God who condemns this action. Perhaps then those Catholic Politicians may choose the correct choice from the cafeteria counter. Remember New-age will be the down-fall of all that is right.
One last point is with New-age philosophies the face of our society will absolutely change and remember “Silence like a Cancer grows.” We have the power to effect change, but only if we act. Otherwise we shall become the result of our own negligence.
Ralph B. Hathaway, Summer 2020