Believers or Not
The Sign of the Thau
In olden days the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet
‘twas a long vertical line crossed by line so short.
Easily recognized , but no significance as yet
Till the Lord made it a symbol one does not abort.
Marked on one’s forehead as a visible sign
Of love, protection, safety and remembrance
To enter a paradise of angels, where all is benign,
To not destroy, to recognize one another with forbearance.
Today, symbolized on a chain around one’s neck;
Maybe on Ash Wednesday more clearly seen-
Yes, I belong to the Lord, I am at his beck
To love, to convert; to do whatever he does deem.
More than a symbol or sign it should be-
A reminder to do good to one in need;
Not just something one can see,
But good that can grow as fast as a weed.
To love without question a fellow human being,
To be selfless in action, word and deed.
Listening carefully with sympathy without sighing,
Bringing Christ to another is the way we do lead.