40 Day Marriage Prayer Plan
As I've grown, I've noticed something. I never stop loving the people I've loved.
Soul love is timeless. It never leaves you.
I've lost loves. I've had loves betray me. I've had bad experiences in love. But I've never stopped feeling love for those people.
The feelings of love always comes back.
They come to mind from time to time, and I find myself missing aspects of them, caring about them, and wondering about them. Willing their good no matter how much they hurt me.
Because real love never ends.
Sometimes I find tears dripping from my face wanting to spend one more moment with them -- to share my heart, mind and soul again.
Sometimes I feel that subtle ache. Because we shared something special, something profound, something unspeakably real and true and mysterious.
Each of them brought a spark of life to me. Each of them enlarged my heart. Each of them captured my soul in a way someone else didn't. If only for a time.
I sometimes wonder if that is God working, keeping that love alive in me, keeping that person with me, if only in my soul. Their spirit lives with me. Their impact remains in my mind. Their lessons are remembered. Their presence hearts are longed for.
Until we meet again.