Seeing the Transfiguration of Jesus Today
I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. (Jn 8: 12)
In this time of pandemic, darkness of mind, darkness of hopelessness, maybe even darkness of poverty, seem to color our days and nights. Sometimes we feel we are swimming in deep dark waters of hopelessness; some even feel this despair.
Yet we still look for his presence in our turbulent waters.
Along the shore of the bay lies our home, a house built with hope and promise. Walking along the shore sometimes we kneel and play. In early morning if one spreads forth both hands back and forth beneath the dark waters a white foam burst forth forming a pattern, a wake. One sees this same pattern following a moving motor boat.
A memory comes to the surface. Light is hidden in the water like hope is hidden in the darkness as the Lord waits to be seen. He gives direction as we spread forth one’s hands in prayer. “Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will.” Thus, we are following him.
It is the Lord of Love reminding one, “He will be with us always.” Alleluia!