Just What Are We Facing NEXT?
Daily in the papers, in the news, we hear of the numbers of those dying. World wide---every 5-6 seconds someone is leaving this earth. Traveling on.
It is those unexpectedly dying-- that are the hardest to accept, to deal with, and my heart cries for them.
Strong feeling arise and assault the living from all sides. WHY??? will be the first scream. Emotions well up that NO ONE can describe, and no one can understand ---UNLESS you have experienced a loved one dying at an unexpected young age.
Having worked for Hospice, having traveled with the 12 of my family as they journeyed to their departure over the years---I know first hand the 'normal' emotions that will come. Anger, denial. bargaining, grieving, and finally acceptance. I also know how very important it is, to "let go." When loved ones are lingering ----they need to hear from their loved ones, "It is okay ---it is okay to let go--we will always know you love us and are there." It is also very important to say "I forgive you, and I ask you to forgive me too. Forgive me if I have not always been there, or if I have ever disappointed you etc." Say all the things that need to be said while they can still hear you and you can still hear those crucial words spoken back to your heart.
My heart goes out to those who did not have that chance to say one final time---"I love you, or I am sorry." However, you can now say it, and it is very important you do. For them, for you. For sometimes, when a person dies un-expectantly, they are confused and uncertain as to their final destination: or if there are unresolved issues, they do not travel on. Their spirits linger, saddened. Feeling guilt maybe, for their failure to choose what was good. They will feel guilt, maybe even responsible for their untimely death. You may even sense a spirit of darkness in the home. Guilt may be hovering over you as you grieve their loss. Your heart is crying out, "Oh if only I can talk to them again!"
IT IS NEVER TOO LATE. Talk to them now the words, that they may long to hear. Tell them how special they are, how loved they are and how they do not have to be afraid. Tell them of this LOVE that is all merciful, all forgiving and all understanding. Tell them now of how much, not only God, but all of those who have gone on before are waiting to embrace that person; in an indescribable love, peace and joy that they will experience FOREVER. Tell them that you want them to be happy, and not feel emotion but peace, joy and love. Tell them, "it is okay to go on the Way, to the Light and the Truth of how much they are loved." Tell them, "It is okay to Go to the Father."
It is very important that all 'unwrap the burial clothes' that are keeping the dead in the tomb. 'Come out' was spoken to Lazarus when Jesus raised him from the dead. All, need to let go of all the emotions and feelings. All needs to 'COME OUT,' so loved ones can LIVE again. Live again where they never DIE again, and wait for your coming to the Father.
Finally dear beloved who have lost someone unexpectedly, or young, it is very important for their souls, their spirits---that you "do not cling to them"--so they can go to the Father.
“Don’t cling to me,” Jesus said, “for I haven’t yet ascended to the Father. But go find my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”
New Living Translation