We should worship the Lord even before he blesses us!
Take a look at the many signs of corruption which seem to be everywhere! They are symbols of evil that have penetrated our world. At one time we might have thought that some day God is going to deal with these terrible infusions into our lives. But now they are more than abstract thoughts; they are here and striking with a vengeance. We could say that the predictions found in Revelation are coming true while many believe these compare with the Books of Daniel and other Apocalyptic writers, that this last book of the New Testament is used for past biblical events and not future prophecies, which makes all this purely hyperbole.
It is apparent that some type of judgement is on the horizon and will appear mostly because the world, its leaders, and those who have pushed God out of existence. You’ve heard it all before from many writers and preachers, including myself. Does this sound like a lesson in pessimism that if left alone will disappear?
At times you can go into the larger city streets to see and hear prophets crying out “the world will end soon, or repent the time of judgement is here.” Most times many will walk by uttering words of pity on these poor souls.
A judgement will certainly appear and one major reason may be found in state and federal governments that adhere to and promote abortion on demand. Remember not so long ago when the New York Legislature cheered as the killing of babies even at birth became law? Abortion in that state somehow set in motion a ripple effect across the nation that represents the ancient sacrifices of children to appease the false gods in Israel. And it was usually their parents who fell into this satanic movement offering their own children as offerings to the gods. Many years later, since 1970, the same kind of sacrifice has regained popularity. The appeasement to gods still exists. These are gods of wealth, power, pleasure, and a disregard for human life, which begins at conception.
When the word abortion is used some believe this word is not powerful enough to make a difference. Blood, the shedding of human blood, and in some cases sharp instruments inserted into the skull of a baby as it is coming out of the birth canal as the child fights to live and the doctor inserts this instrument ending a human life to satisfy someone who doesn’t want this baby. Blood!
The Prophet Jeremiah brought the warning against those who promoted human children sacrifices for their gods, and those of us who have the courage to write the same condemnation are warning the rest of humanity of a calamity that will certainly come upon us if those in offices of government do not reverse this joyful killing of innocent babies.
No matter who wins political offices in November the power to kill will be in the hands of those who see abortion and perhaps euthanasia as a rule of order. This is what will bring a judgement upon the earth, and most especially the United States of America.
God is merciful, yet too many, if they even profess to be Nominal Catholic (which many politicians claim to be) in name only; they really do not adhere to Catholic Teaching nor do they really show belief in our merciful God.
Pray that you never will need to fear God’s Judgement. Pray, fast, and seek the end of that which will bring a judgement upon the world.
Ralph B. Hathaway, Fall 2020