The Two Witnesses and Christian Disunity: A Central Question of the Apocalyptic Mystery
Dear reader: This writing is in tutor/student dialogue format for more entertaining discourse. Enjoy!
STUDENT: “I played you a dirge, but you did not weep.” I have always loved this saying by Jesus. It is short yet poignant. Teacher, how might we look at this?
To Reject the Church is to Reject Christ
TUTOR: How, indeed! Student, the Christ, the Anointed One of Salvation, uttered these words in the context of arguing with persons who simply did not understand or did not want to accept what Jesus was saying. Indeed, then, they were responding to Christ with an opposite-framed mentality. They were contesting Him. Hence, they were like those who hear an objective song of sorrow but are not sad. In reality, this is no different than those who hear the Church but do not accept her teachings, for the teachings of the Church are the very words of Christ; whosoever rejects them rejects Jesus, and whoever rejects Jesus, rejects the Father, who sent the Son. “He who rejects you [the Apostolic college] rejects Me, and whoever rejects Me rejects the one who sent me.”
The Church is Sad at Every Rejection, But the World Rejoices
STUDENT: Yes, and I can now see the following: when someone or some group rejects some teachings of the Church, the Church is sad, since they are going against Jesus, Our God-man of infinite love, who desires to illumine and save all of us.
TUTOR: Yes, and what is the response of the world to this sorrow? Does the world weep with the Church?
STUDENT: No! She rejoices. Indeed, in the article on the Mystery of Music in Doctrinal Development, we saw that the objective, simple and complete scale of ascending sorrow was the ages of the Church in her illuminative way and followed the path thereof in such a manner in which the scale was ascending, like the Church’s ascent in knowledge of God’s mysteries, but was sad, since in each step, the world rejects the various sources of truth.
TUTOR: Yes, this places a context for God’s view of the situation. For God, this IS truly a dirge, the rising sorrow of a world that is progressively rejecting more and more of God’s truth in love mediated by a same Church of love and truth.
STUDENT: Yes, I see now that a counterpart exists: if the Church and God see in this a dirge, the outside and apostate world sees laughter—laughing at how the Church is foiled at every corner, until, finally, humanity is set free to once again live for this world in neo-pagan existence, like pagan Rome.
From Pagan Rome to Modern Apostasy: A Full Circle, Sorrow to Sorrow
TUTOR: Yes! In fact, this forms two great counter-parllels:
Firstly, for the Church, the Church goes from total sadness and darkness back up to the same total darkness. How? Well the Church started out with pagan Rome—who denied God in brute polytheism, who committed all the major sins against natural law, and who had materialistic grandeur as their ultimate fulfillment. Then doctrinal development came and ruined the world’s utopia harlot. But when the process of doctrinal development was complete, they reached the octave and came full circle: the modern godless age is like pagan Rome in all respects: denying God with atheism and relativism, violating all principles of the Decalogue natural law [slander, not resting regularly, not respecting parents and over-seers, abortion, euthanasia, substances, gossip, bullying, gluttony, sexual sins of all sorts, pornography, greed, and the like] and living in physical wonder of materialism.
The World’s Octave: From Materialism unto Materialism
STUDENT: Amen! Octave to octave, darkness to darkness, godlessness revolutionizing back to godlessness. So, again, this shows that in the eyes of the Church, man is going from sorrow back to sorrow. What about the sinful world of apostasy? How do they look at it?
TUTOR: Excellent question!
Yes, secondly, the world predictably rejoices in the octave from pagan Rome to the modern minor apostasy. How? Because they see the world as starting out with a materialistic grandeur of physical utopia back unto the same condition. For, do you remember the pope’s serious critique of the European Union's proposed statement on the heritage of European civilization?
The Blind Testimony of the EU
STUDENT: Come to think of it, I do. I believe that the EU’s testimony of her self-same heritage skipped from pagan Rome to the so-called Enlightenment, leaving the religious history largely absent. Saint Pope John Paul II strongly urged the Union to amend it in a manner that recognized the long religious contributions of the Christian vision upon which many European nations are based. This ardently reflects the vision of the modern first and second world societies: they have no regard for Christianity or religion in general and place their hope in this world only, again, perverse materialism. Hence, for secular apostates, the progressive loss of Catholic Christendom—with the three-fold Apocalyptic punch: Protestantism, Enlightenment and similar movements, and the worldly wonder of material grandeur founded on atheism and relativism—is cause for rejoicing and laughter: a poor human civilization that was enslaved to the papacy and hard morals and dogmas, was toppled by the forces of change, leaving it bereft of the supernatural and enabling it to move on from faith into a salvific vision of man without the Divine.
TUTOR: Exactly, and hence, for the apostate world of today, the octave cycle is from materialistic glory to materialistic glory, from perverse scientific wonder and paradise unto the same perverse physical paradise. It is a journey of joy, joy for every step that attacks a source of Catholic truth. Joy from a world that had technology and glory, lost it, and then got it back, sans the god garbage that interrupted it!
The Musical Analogy
STUDENT: This is most excellent. Let me ask, then, this will apply to our music analogy, no?
TUTOR: Absolutely. Let us probe it.
How do We Get the Counterfeit Scale
We recall that our scale above is for the ages of doctrinal development. Now we can ask, is there a form of this scale that could represent the backwards world, that is, a world that laughs instead of weeps and yet still follows a similar trajectory?
I think that it would be possible. But how would it happen?
TUTOR: It would have to a be counter scale: having the same timing as the whites and flats, but somehow now the same.
STUDENT: Ok, good, how do we do that?
TUTOR: Well, here is how I found that it works: we have our scales already, especially the ironic ones. They fit a black / white sequence: the doctrinal development is one with the blacks being the five great sources of Catholic truth; the sacramental scale is the one with the blacks being the five exclusive sacraments that require the priest or bishop.
In One Direction, Only One Scale will Work
Well, firstly, we can argue it is unique in one direction.
TUTOR: In this: since in a full set of notes to close the octave, no one white note is different than any other. You can work It out.
STUDENT: Yes, let me do that: Let us build the octave from just to the left of the three black block up to that note.
Note that every note has a unique relations to the flats and whites, hands down. Firstly, the first note: no other note is just to the left of the three block. No other note is just inside the left of the three block. Only one note is in the middle of it. Only one note is just inside the right side or the three block. Only two notes separate the three from the two block on the right of the three block. Only one note stands in the middle of the two block. And only two notes succeed the two block to the right back to the start, or just outside the left of the three block. Hence, any scale that fits any set of characteristics can only be unique in the ascending direction.
Any Relatively Similar Scale Must be Opposite Direction
Any other such scale that mimicked this would then clearly need to be the opposite direction. ALSO, by way of corollary, if any such sale were found in the descending form, it would be unique. This establishes that when we need particular arrangement of white and blacks, only up to two scales can fit, which would then be our actual scales, and then the deceptive scale if it were possible.
Now we ask, if we have a scale that already works in the straightforward sense, where would we get the counterpart [in the opposite direction]?
The Counter Scales Reflect About an Axis
TUTOR: Answer, it is reflection about a certain axis.
STUDENT: OK, what are such reflections?
TUTOR: They are about the axis of symmetry: for the doctrine scale, or ascending sorrow [Am up to Am], it is about the middle note of the three black block since Am is on right inner side of three block: This makes the beginning point of the reflected scale the left inner note of the three block, or Gmaj down to Gmaj, descending joy.
For the sacraments scale, or descending joy, the regular scale starts just to left side of the two block and descends. Its reflection is then about this two block, just to its right, or Em up to Em [and then F, since C goes down to C and then B].
In the Counter Scales, One Aspect is True and One Aspect is False: A Deception
These will be our counter scales; as it stands, it will be ironic in the sense that one aspect is true, and one aspect is false.
In terms of doctrinal scale, that is, the 1-7 minor scale, the initial scale is 1 up to 8. For deceptive scale, that is, the scale of the world’s laughter,, it is 7 down to 7.
Very telling!
The Deceptive Dimension of the Mockery of the Doctrine
The deceptive dimension of the irony: Gmaj is happy, and for the world’s view, the progressive attacks on the Church are cause for laughter and joy, even though, in God’s eyes, they are sad: ‘I played you a dirge, but you did not weep!’
Islam: yes, God is better as simpler: one Person, and One Nature! Not Three Persons, One Nature, and One Person incarnate.
Schism; Yes, stick it to the pope, get him out of the way!
Protestantism: yes, get those lazy and wicked bishops out of the way as well. Only need the Bible!
The bible is confounded, get rid of it, and all supernatural religion, rest only on reason!
Finally, reason is a can of worms, ditch reason, stick to most basic, atheism, relativism, materialism!
The True Dimensions of the Mockery of the Doctrine
The true dimension of the irony: A descent: indeed, the world is actually descending in the way of the fall, ever digressing toward total darkness in their spiritual depravity.
STUDENT: This is marvelous. What else can we get?
TUTOR: There is also some truth in the happiness: this is also telling. Let us recall that in the greater ages of music, Am down to Am was the great ages of the fall in human history. In this regard, Am was the first age, the wickedness of Noah’s day, or Apocalyptic Anti-Baptism. This made the second step, Gmaj, to be Apocalyptic anti-Marraige, or the perverse materialism of Babel. This is very telling: in our view in this deceptive scale, Gmaj becomes this materialism first in pagan Rome, then in the modern secular apostasy. . Now we know that materialism can never fully satiate the human longing. One can build and build and build, and achieve and achieve and achieve, and yet it will never be enough. The tower will never be finished. Hence, the person who pursues this world for its own end will be left hanging, never fully satisfied. BINGO! The deceptive scale ends in Gmaj, which is a note that hangs, unresolved. Remember, for revelatory music, the scale must resolve. This scale does not resolve.
The Sacraments: Similar Application
STUDENT: This is great. I presume that we move on the sacraments.
TUTOR: Yes. Predictably the ironic reflection for the sacraments is the scale of the child of the devil. There is, again, a truthful dimension, and a deceptive dimension. Since the sacramental scale is descending joy—joy in receiving the sacraments of life but descending physically toward death—the counter scale of deception is the flip, like above: ascending sorrow.
The Truth Dimension of the Deceptive Sacrament Scale
The truth dimension in the irony is the emotion: sadness. Here, the child of the devil finds its counterfeit and elusive fulfillment in the deceptive antithesis of the sacraments, the dragon’s twisting of the divine mysteries into false caricatures that lead to perdition but seem to bring ultimate happiness. But for God, this is great sadness: to bear to watch the soul descend toward hell in sin and blindness.
STUDENT: That makes sense. What about the deceptive dimension?
The Deceptive Dimension of the Counterfeit Sacrament Scale
The deceptive dimension of our irony, on the other hand, is before us in what we have just stated: the ascent; for the devil’s child, in their subjective experience, they mock the sacraments into their own diabolical counterfeit. This, for them, is, again, an ascent, an ascent in the way of life to worldly success and accomplishment, independence, and ultimate self-actuating fulfillment. Ascent above and out of the chains of religion.
The formation of this deceptive scale for the sacraments is the reflection of C down to B. As we saw earlier, the reflection is clear: C lies just to the left of the two black block. Hence, the ironic deceptive scale reflects about the two block, making the reflected scale, Em up to Em and then F.
This is more complex than the doctrine scale. Toward this end, considering that the sacraments in this deceptive scale are in mockery, we must first consider the plagiarism of the notes in the sacramental scale. This is the theology of hell that we saw earlier. Musical Mystery in the Sacramental Journey II: Heaven, Purgatory and Hell. For reference, we will include it here:
The Counterfeits of the 6 Eternally Lasting Sacramental Signs
The dragon mocks heaven and the Sacraments, and so presents his own, superficial, sinful version of “heaven on earth” to the child of the devil:
Natural Birth: Life is a gift, but for the dragon, it is not a gift from God; it is yours, intrinsically of your own making, to do with as you see fit. The child of the devil rejoices that his life is his own, free to be used and experienced as he perceives it.
Supernatural Birth, Baptism: you are a child of God, dependent on him like a son or daughter to a Father, meant to know and love Him all through this life, but to the dragon, you are NOT his child, nor dependent but meant to ascend the heavens like God, equal to Him. You can believe whatever you want (You will surely not die!, Ye shall be like gods, knowing good and evil!.) and you don't need to love and obey God; rather, do as you wish, and there will be no consequences (Go ahead and take the fruit from the Tree of Life, and you will surely not die! Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with it!). Hence, the child of the evil one lives utterly independently from the divine and does as he pleases.
Confession: one’s need for mercy is scoffed at. I don’t need to repent for anyone. I make my own rules.
Eucharist: One does not seek communion with God and others centered around the Word of God in all its profundity and mystery (The Liturgy of the Word), or to feed upon God Himself, the very grace that is able to enable you to love Him and neighbor (Liturgy of the Eucharist). That is boring. Rather, seek superficial camaraderie in bragging with your cronies of your pleasures attained, possessions and wealth, and your egotistical accomplishments. Also, gather together not around the spiritual food which is able to save you, but in gluttony, excess in merely physical food and drink, taken as ends unto themselves.
Confirmation: God desires to confirm us in mature righteousness and wisdom for the goal of heaven in the next life, the possession of mystery and love forever, but the dragon says nonsense, seek your "confirmation" in worldly success of this life, for the ultimate goal of egotistical accomplishments, pleasures, and possessions.
Marriage: the dragon twists the beauty and love and covenant of marriage into superficial and perverse sexuality, taken only for pleasure, selfishly, as in fornication, prostitution, and all perversions that man can make up.
Holy Orders: We are all called to serve God and His Church for His glory and the benefit of others, but the dragon says, seek rather to serve your own selfish interests, for you only live once. Why care for others and serve a greater cause. Get what you can from this life while you are able.
Anointing: I will bear the cross on judgment day. If there is a last chance at salvation, I will get it then. For now, party time. Too, suffering is useless. Get out of it at all costs. Life is to be enjoyed. If I get terminal, I will seek Kevorkian.
Natural Death: Yeah, we all gotta die someday. For this reason, enjoy it while you can. Only the good die young. If there is an afterlife, it will sort itself out then.
This is the dragon's six fold counterfeit of heaven, but none of these things can ever satiate the human longing. Only the fulfillment of these six signs in heaven can truly fulfill the desires and longing of the human heart.
As these antithesis to the sacramental signs transpire before the Father, the Son, and the Spirit between them, only infinite sadness can emanate from their Divine Love, and the ultimate culmination is the loss of the soul and its horrific and eternal antitheses to the aforementioned steps of beauty and charity.
The True Dimension Revisited: God’s Infinite Sadness at the Loss of a Soul
The Consequences of Choosing the 6-fold Counterfeit of Heaven
The consequences of being led astray into the lie of the counterfeit of heaven is the everlasting horror of hell and its sixfold, terrible, eternal counterparts to the counterfeits, which are also simply the total negation of the six heavenly things mocked.
The 6 Eternal Horrors of Hell, the true results of the 6 Counterfeits of Heaven
Natural Life: God gave you your life at infancy, but you have forever thrown it away for some thing or things of this world. You have infinitely mocked God and all human dignity by saying to God and yourself that pleasures, possessions, and egotistical accomplishments are to be preferred to everlasting love, which implies the former things are superior. Since you can no longer repent as you cross the threshold of death, you are forever fixed in this insult and desire, and so your natural life has been lost forever in exchange for eternal death.
Baptism: you chose to assert your utter independence from God and that knowing Him and loving Him was either unnecessary, or unsatisfying. But without God, there is only eternal misery and loneliness, and so forever will you be separated from Him, your only source of joy. This is the greatest torment of Hell. Secondly, you thought superficial things were better than knowing and loving God, but now forever you know—but cannot help—that the frivolous things can never fully satiate you; so you will forever be in eternal frustration; forever, you will never have the mystery and communion of love that you shirked, a communion that you forever realize was the only thing that can truly satiate.
Eucharist: You chose superficial camaraderie and selfish friendships based on frivolous things in common, and shared boasts of your materialistic feats in place of love and mystery binding the spirits of the children and bride of God, but now you must have the companionship of the damned. The insults of unspeakable vulgar and horror will be hurled at you by the other damned souls and the demons, mocking you for all the chances you had for redemption and mercy, but which you threw away in arrogance and indifference. Now, none of your superficial accomplishments and indulgences will mean anything, for in their place and the desire thereof, you only have unspeakable torment. And the rest you shirked on the Sabbath, the Supreme Day of Eucharist, has given way to the tortures that shall never end, “Day and night, shall they suffer, but there shall be no rest for them, and the smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever.”
Confirmation: You sought confirmation in worldly pleasures, wealth, and accomplishment, but it is all for naught. Those things are worthless in God’s eyes. Now, forever, your disdain for true confirmation, the sacrament of mature strength for righteousness, will haunt you forever.
Marriage: You sought sexuality only for pleasure and thrill, and not for love, and now you will never have love, either from a spouse, or from God. You chose to fornicate, by materialism, with the CreaTION, instead of marrying your CreaTOR, and now that is lost forever. The Creation you can longer have, only eternal frustration in seeking it as its own end, and the Wedding Feast with your Maker, forever have you been locked out from it; eternally, you have been rejected to be part of His Bride.
Holy Orders: you served yourself and the evil one instead of God; now forever, the only way you do something useful—and yet only in part—is to suffer forever, yet never fully repaying the service to God you owe Him, a service that you had ample opportunities to render in the former life, but shunned them all; for, you cannot repay the Infinite God you insulted with yourself; you rejected His gift to you to repay Him with Himself, so forever will you suffer, yet with the horror that you never fully repay Him.
Moreover, to return to the three sacraments that will NOT be in heaven at all, the implications of these negative elements of earthly life will persist in hell forever as well:
The Three Sacramental Signs forever in Deprivation
Confession: You had a chance at mercy in Confession, and you threw it away at all impasses. Now you will forever sin, and never have possibility for mercy.
Anointing of the Sick: You thought the earthly pains should be avoided at all costs, and shunned the last chance at mercy; now forever, again, there shall be no more chance of mercy, nor shall there be healing for sickness. The torments of hell last forever and there is no cure.
Natural Death: Not only have you died naturally, but eternally you have died spiritually, forever to die, the second death!
These are the great forms of sadness experienced by the Father as He must watch the child of the evil one first be deceived by his sins and then experience the consequences. And, again, the scale is ascending sorrow: sorrow as above for God, and ascent, because Satan’s child is perceiving himself to be rising above religion and fulfill himself with this world.
The Truth Dimension Revisited Again
STUDENT: Excellent! Now, I suspect an epilogue theology enters in similar to the Gmaj, happiness, materialism ideas, namely that Gmaj leaves the world hanging in materialism, never satiated, since Gmaj is not the base octave note, and so leaves things “unsettled.”
TUTOR: Yes. Here we go. Recall that with ascending sorrow in doctrine, the deceptive scale was 7 down to 7, or, that is, Gmaj down to Gmaj. Here, again, Gmaj in the sorrowful scale of the greater ages of the fall, was Babel, or materialism. This was because the scale of the greater ages of the fall was the primary minor note descending down to the same, or Am down to Am. This meant, again, Gmaj was the pure note just below Am and consequently also the second note in the scale, which, again, was Babel, or materialism.
Returning to our deceptive scale for doctrine history, the Gmaj was telling: the laughing, scoffing world considers its greater joy to go from pagan Rome down to our modern apostasy, since it starts with materialism and ends with materialism, or Gmaj. Yes, the modern world hates doctrine and teaching, but it loves the things of this dimension: the pleasures, possessions, and egotistical accomplishments, and the like. Consequently, it rejoices in these, just as this same Gmaj is a happy chord, or major.
So let us now apply our logic above to the sacramental scale, or rather the anti-sacramental scale. Again, just as Am up to Am is reflected about the axis that is the midway point in the three black block, or Gmaj down to Gmaj, so the C down to B scale is reflected about the axis of the two black block to form Em up to Em and then F (C down to C then B for natural death) Now, remembering that the reflected Gmaj had meaning relative to thesorrowful scale of the greater ages of the fall,namely, that it left the world hanging in eternal material frustration, we must assume that Em and F have meaning in relation to the joyful scale of the greater ages of redemption. They do. Let us scale it:
The Joyful Ages, as we recall, are:
Cmaj. Noah and the Flood
Dm: Confounding of Tongues and Formation of Hebrew People
Em: Illuminative Way of People of Old
F: Unitive way of People of Old
G: First Coming of Christ
So the deceptive scale in question starts out with, relative to the mystery of the greater joyful ages, Em, or the Illuminative way of the Old, and ends with the Unitive Way of Old, F.
This is telling as follows : for this deceptive scale, the illuminative way sets the stage. Particularly, we know that the illuminative way is about knowing and loving God for the saint. And that is exactly what the sacraments lead us through, what we are all called to, knowing and loving Go. Hence, in the deception, the rejection of this greater age of joy forms the foundation of no regard for knowing and loving God.
For the second reality, the ending of the cycle with F, or the unitive way of Old, we can see that the unitive way for the Old People is kind of, in some respects, physical in nature, a physical paradise: the physical holy land is reattained, the physical temple is rebuilt, and so forth. In this regard, this can be the deception that the evil child imagines: the afterlife the he deems approaching will be in many respects physical in nature: every morning is Elvis on the piano, buffet breakfast, golfing, burgers and fries for lunch, women for a snack, and pizza, beer, and the Superbowl at night.
The reality of course is this: first, note that just as C has a sense of finality as the main base major note, so Em has a certain lesser sense of resolution as the 3 in the scale. That is, it holds a lesser sense of resolution at its third position. NOW, considering that our scale ends not with C but with B, we saw that B, Bmaj7, preserves resolution but adds a new dimension, a sense of rest, of peacefulness, of tranquility and beauty. And B, again was heaven. Indeed Heaven has a resolved sense of peace, rest, and beauty.
Now, what of the corollary F? Here, the antithesis exists: Whereas Em has a certain resolution, when you graduate to the fourth, or F, it is NOT a resolution but only the opening ofa door, of a new minor, of a new horror. Dark Heavy Metal many times incorporates the relationship between the 3 and 4, but precisely in the context of 3, and it invokes horror or great sorrow. This is indicative of Hell: once one has shirked the anointing as a last chance of salvation, one crosses the threshold into a world that is never resolved, a world that is only of a horror and agony that never ends, that is ever new.
This concludes our treatment of the scales of deception and irony
STUDENT: This was awesome. You have really pulled off the music analogies. There is no way in hell that all this is just coincidence. I am gong to summarize.
Firstly, the ultimate language of the Mass is music, and the liturgy perfectly communicates the essentials of our faith implicitly. Hence, how can music not, in some sense, reveal the mysteries of faith.
We have persistently shown this through the lessons.
Firstly, we showed that western music is not Relativistic: that if we use natural law and harmonics, the Western scale of 12 notes follows as the simplest natural and objective music that exists. Hence, music is not arbitrary but rigorous and logical.
Next, we established that this same natural music contains some mind-blowing analogies of Catholic mystery and doctrine that cannot be denied objectively but only questioned about whether God intended them or not.
Specifically, we showed that the Greater Ages of the World, both in the joys and sorrows, follow a simple musical scale, and that the octave was an awesome metaphor: the first and last phases of human history, whether in joy or sorrow, have basically identical characteristics: in this: namely, that the world in the beginning is totally wicked, sparing a remnant [Noah and his family], and the world at the end is totally wicked [the great apostasy] sparing a remnant [small portion of Gentiles and most Jews]. Too, the world at the beginning is destroyed by water, and the world at the end, by fire; finally, the first world is starting to be redeemed, whereas at the end, it is being utterly redeemed. Hence, the beginning and the ending ages of humanity are like octaves.
Thirdly, we developed the Sacraments scale. Here, we saw that there are only four possible scales in music to be sufficiently objective to be a possible basis for an analogy of faith. Those were the scales that had the following:
Compete [all notes of the pure key]
Unique [each note occurring only once, sparing the final octave]
Uni-directional [stays in one direction from beginning to end, that is, no back ups]
Beginning with the base key note
Completing with the octave [and hence base key note]
Resolving [ends with an octave of the base note, that is, having sense of finality and not left hanging, as with notes between the base note octaves, exclusive]
These characteristics that form foundational, objective scales that are not therefore subjective only had two possible parameters, each with only two possibilities:
Emotion: joy, sorrow [major, minor]
Direction: ascending, descending
This was then two parameters each with two possible parameters, making 2 x 2 = 4 possible scales:
Ascending Joy
Descending Sorrow
Ascending Sorrow
Descending Joy
The consistent scales are where the emotion matches the direction. These were the initial scales of our lessons: the greater ages. Here, it is common sense: the greater ages have two dimensions: ages of joy, then ages of sorrow. We think of joy as ascending, or becoming more, and we think of sorrow as getting worse, or descending. Hence, it was appropriate to regard the scales of each as ascending joy and descending sorrow.
This left the inconsistent scales, or ironic, as one could call them. This is where the emotion is in contrast to the direction. This was then where one aspect of the mystery is good and one is bad. We saw that that worked out to the doctrinal development of the Church as the mystery of truth and expressed as the ascending sorrow scale, and then the sacramental mystery of grace expressed as descending sorrow.
This was profound, as follows: the Church was ascending in knowledge of God and His mysteries from Constantine to present through her doctrinal development. But it was sad as the world persistently resisted her apocalyptic testimony, hence, again, ascending sorrow.
In contrast, the profundity of the sacramental scale was that the receiving of the sacraments in life, each in their own place, is wonderful and joyful because God gives us grace with such beautiful signs and meaning, but our life is nevertheless a physical descent toward death, hence, again, descending joy.
We also showed how heaven and hell are revealed in the main chords of the sacraments scale, how they found marvelous application the parable of the sower and the three dimensions of the Church.
Finally, we developed that taking either of the two ironic scales and reflecting through the appropriate axis of symmetry, we got the deceptive scales, the scale of how the world or the child of the devil views the original scale, scales in which one characteristic reveals truth about the scale and the other reveals a falsehood, or deception.
And in all these foundational scales of natural music, every note fit, down to octave and, applicably, beyond, and the analogies perfectly fit, without exception, both in direction and emotion!!!
Is it any wonder that when music is part of Divine Revelation, it seems not a crazy thing to believe that foundational music might reveal all essential aspects of faith. Is this nutty coincidence?
You decide!