God Doesn't Want Me
Have you determined who to vote for yet? Are you saying to yourself, “I don’t know which way to go.”? Maybe this statement will help. IF YOU CHECK A BOX, PULL A LEVER, OR FILL IN A BUBBLE FOR ANY DEMOCRAT, YOU ARE COMPLICIT IN THE KILLING OF AN INNOCENT CHILD. You will be a party to playing judge, jury, and executioner of the most vulnerable – telling that precious angel he/she is not worthy of life.
“A little harsh,” you say? Not at all. It’s the truth. You would be giving the green light to the killing of babies all the way through the 9th month. You would be saying it is acceptable for a baby to be left to die after a botched abortion on a cold metal table or in a trash can. Imagine people going into a voting booth and voting Democrat. With each vote, one of your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. is given a lethal injection. (In some abortions that is how the baby is killed.) I could provide a more graphic example, but I don’t think it is necessary. You get the point.
As faithful Catholics, it is our responsibility to share God’s word. That word can be shared person to person but more importantly at the ballot box by voting only for the party that values life, and that party is NOT Democrat. Abortion should always be the one issue that is not negotiable in voting. The teachings of the Church are clear….there is no ambiguity. A vote for a Democrat is a vote for abortion.