Coming OFF Our Cross, Living a Resurrected Life
With all that is happening around us in this day and time, more and more people are wondering are we in the END TIMES? We just might be! For two reasons. Any day we wake up, we do not know the hour or the day---if this is our last day on earth. Next, at some given point in time no matter what others say, we do know our Lord will be coming, and He is on the Way.
WE know also, because of His promise--He is always with us, so He is already here.
However, I know without a doubt in my heart---THE BEAST is already among us. The Antichrist. And, I know that this is not a person per say: but what was created by man. The one thing That I see more and more every day is that technical world, especially that screen in our hand and those white earbuds in our ears IS THE MARK of the beast!!
Let me speak what was spoken to my heart as I researched this topic. I see the mark of the beast or. the 'brand on our right hand' that enables us to buy and sell: I see an I-phone! To me and without a a doubt in my mind. because God Himself put that thought in my mind--- technology is a tool of the enemy. A tool being used by the " beast" to do evil throughout our world! It is taking peoples lives, it is destroying minds and souls, numbing us" making us walking around clueless that God is there, and of what all God has for us!!
All of Revelation Chapter 13 tells of about TWO beasts. Numbers in the Bible stand for something--The number two symbolizes witness and support. The beasts, witness and support the 'dragon' or EVIL.
In V 15 of this chapter, we read "It was then permitted to breathe life into the beast’s image, so that the beast’s image could speak and [could] have anyone who did not worship it put to death."
Robots and computers or anything run by computers technology fits this discription! Continuing on then in V 16 "It forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a stamped image on their right hands or their foreheads,"
V 17 so that no one could buy or sell except one who had the stamped image of the beast’s name or the number that stood for its name.
Implanted chips are well on the way of being what will be needed to buy, sell, track those vaccinated, or just to track people NOW. But already we have something being seen in nearly every person's hand where ever you go all over the world. The I-phone! Now--- people are so consumed with using the I phone; also are seen with white EAR BUDS at all times. It has become an accessory to what they need to wear before going out the door. Along with the habitual search for our car keys, we now MUST have our cell phone in our hands and those white ear pieces in our ears.
Sure technology has done much good in our world---BUT---have we chosen to make it an idol in our own lives. Over use of any thing brings about addictions and our down fall.
My question to you is this. "Can you follow Jesus, taking up a cell phone?" He said take up your cross and come follow Me. Second question and most importantly---"How can you see Jesus in others, or hear the cry for help or need--when you are so focused on that screen or listening to the voices heard from there? How can you hear the VOICE of Holy Spirit speaking to you to lead you on right paths or to lead you to help others? Opportunities pop up unexpectedly all the time in God's Mysterious Ways to be in the right place as the right time to SAVE a life or help someone who is struggling. Someone in need of a kind word, in need of prayer, your smile, ---we never know where a seed needs to be planted that will, by the grace of God take root and grow--becoming new life in another's being. How can we be His vessel, when we are connected to another power, and not the Holy Spirit's Power?
PUT DOWN that PHONE---and use it only when needed to call or text someone. BUT do not use it as something to spend 'idol' time on. ESPECIALLY---do not buy a I-phone for your children. Give them flip phones so they can call you if needed. They do not need to be on them constantly at school or just in their spare time. THINK ABOUT IT!!! More and more bullying and false lies being sent to their brains. More and more teens are committing suicide, and car accidents happening all because of that I-phone in their lives.
"Teach your child in the ways of the LORD, and then they will grow in wisdom and grace and come to KNOW God and His purpose and plan for their life." They must know just how special they are and how much God loves them. You do realize, if you do not speak His Word, and teach them in the ways of the Lord---YOU will be held accountable for their soul.