I'm not sure that most of us realize just how dangerous and truly bad the communist ideology that has sullied our nation recently really is. This ideology has been around for at least the past 200 years. McCarthy, back in the 50s was right, and his movement, although condemned largely, was probably right on target in retrospect, as we look at our nation currently and see the blackness and darkness enveloping our way of life and our communities.
The Communist infiltration of our nation's institutions started and was initiated over a century ago, and they were very patient. The initial perpetrators of this communist attack on our beloved institutions was quite subtle and innocuous, it took and continues to take on a progressive flair and slowly chipped away, and continues to chip away at what we as a nation were founded upon and at one time held most dear - our love of God and Country.
Communism is atheistic in nature and is in direct conflict with God - and all religion. It does recognize the value and use though of insidious deceptions about faith and the twisting of it for it's own purposes and goals, the ideology can then aim it attacks most effectively for local and national domination, and then the ultimate aim - world wide domination, and the elimination of God from society. It also aims to eradicate a person's right to possess anything personally, with all property becoming confiscated and owned by the state. The elimination of the middle class is paramount and replaced by a proletariat who are (in Marxist theory) the class of workers, especially industrial wage earners, who do not possess capital or property and must sell their labor to survive. In this kind of society the worker, or us, the people, become mere commodities, a means to and end, for the state.
In this kind of society we all serve the state, and God is eliminated, and so are those who adhere to faithfulness to God. Once God is lost, so is all hope for those whose faith is frail and fragile, and existence takes on a moroseness of apathy and despair. That is where we are headed, right now! Those who hang on to God are thrown into prisons of torture to break spirit and Faith, and if that is not successful, then election and death is the answer for the Communists. I am not making this up, it is well documented for anyone who wants to research and read about it. Get educated, become knowledgeable about this horror! Check out St. Maximillian Kolbe, as just one example.
It is a messy and ugly plight, and one that has been enacted on many nations already, to the horror and absolute destitution of the people in those nations. This type of tyranny is devastating to everyone involved, except those in power of course, who then enjoy the power and riches of those they dominate. It is also a tyranny that is enveloping our nation right now, and the power of this movement is gaining ground, right under most of our noses. We are going to wake up in mid-November and as we are seeing the erosion of the America that was once great, we will come to a further unrecognizable nation, that once prospered in wealth, power, and freedom. When that happens we will no longer enjoy any of our God given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Marxist movements such as Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA already have a stronghold on many of our cities, and if they don't, the fear and absolute denial of religious freedom in cities such as San Fransisco and others is evident. The slavery it is imposing just cloaks itself in a false notion of safeguarding and protection from a virus. It's all to the same end, our submission and domination by the state and the submission and ultimate elimination of worship and then God from that state. It is all laid out in the Communist handbook for anyone who wants to look it up.
Satan is the real leader of Communism and he uses it so effectively in his war on God. The Communist mode of infiltration takes on many venues, one is the dismantling of the family, and fatherhood. The other is the castration of the sanctity of natural and Biblical marriage. Communism's goal is to tear down society, subdue the people, and control them. Can you recognize any of this taking place in our nation today? It's not so innocuous anymore, not so subtle. Yet, as the Marxist Left have chipped away and slowly infiltrated and influenced our society's way of living, worshipping and relating to each other, they have slowly indoctrinated millions to there side and we have never been closer to that full indoctrination that they have coveted for so long.
The Democrats are the party of Marx, who stated that religion is the opiate of the people. He was an atheist, and a pretty despicable human being by all accounts, not providing for his family and although a master of words and influence, totally on the wrong side of the equation if your concern is the salvation of souls. The fact that so many fake Catholics now call themselves Democrats and are literally hell bent on voting for a Biden-Harris or shall I say a Harris-Biden Marxist driven agenda in this upcoming election, is proof and evidence of just how effective the infiltration of our society has been. The communists have invaded our government, our universities and schools, and our Churches. They have been particularly effective with the left wing liberal camps in all denominations who like to focus on the social justice issues of Scripture and then twist them to their own ends and goals toward this false utopian form of a communistic one world government. As many Popes have said through the last few centuries, you cannot be a Communist and a Catholic, and since the democrats have slid so far toward this ideology it seems reasonable to conclude from these Papal statements, that now, you can't be Catholic and a Democrat.
As this party continues to push and destroy the family, the sanctity of a Godly marriage and the institutions of the Catholic Church, our society and way of life will also begin to erode and fail, until we will have lost everything that once made this country great. It is all too apparent right now, just look around. We have major Marxist organizations with huge and widespread support. We have movements to dismantle police departments and to confiscate property, and to deny freedom. We have already taken away the right to life of the unborn, which was the foundation that ushered in all this evil 50 years ago and gave Satan such great momentum. Satan is currently in His glory.
We know that Christ has already won this fight, but Satan is still desperately looking for souls he can devour and take to Hell for eternity. As Catholics, life must matter, but not just temporal life, eternal life. Everything we do and say must reflect these most basic truths - the rights of all to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To not so so, is grievous. These Truths have never been for us to determine or grant, only God determines them and grants them, when we as human beings deny them to others, we become marred in sinfulness and vice. We better start following God now, before it will be too late for so many, who are already being lost and who won't stand a chance in a Communist society.
God save us, have mercy on us, and let your Graces bless us, now and forever! God Bless America!