Amidst Daily Distractions: Come Near To Me
I had the privilege of going on a retreat recently and during one of my last small group sessions, a young woman in my group out of nowhere says:
“During prayer, I received an image that I think is for you Katie, of Our Lady reaching down from heaven to earth with a rope of flowers for you.”
I was totally stunned by this comment. In no way did it relate to anything we were talking about. My brother, who has a strong relationship with Mary, thought that maybe this comment meant I am close to Our Lady’s heart.
Strangely, the night before, I had gone to see Fatima, the movie. I marveled at Our Lady’s appearance to these children - how chosen and special they were. I wished for that in my own relationship with Our Lady, which isn’t particularly close or special.
These were my first spiritual experiences that involved Mary.
I guess, in a way, how that movie and comment moved me, revealed to me that I do have a desire to be closer to Mary and perhaps she has a desire to be closer to me.
What comes to mind when I reflect on the words that the young woman said are “To heaven through Mary.”
Perhaps Mary is wanting to pull me up to heaven through her. Perhaps she wants to do that with all of us.