"I, the Lord, am your God, You shall not have other gods besides me."
There is no other way to reach Almighty God than to open the channel to his heart. The best description of prayer is the lifting of our mind to God. Therein we establish a communication with Him who created us and gave each one an ability to reach our Lord.
At a time like we find ourselves in during this pandemic and uncertainty with the politics that may bring more havoc upon us, the only sure way of either sustaining this advent of tyranny or overcoming it’s devastation on us is God’s intercession. That will not happen like osmosis, but with our endeavor to call upon Him who waits for our petitions.
Of course, each of us must remember that for God to change the minds of those who are our adversaries he would need to attack their free will. That will never occur since free will is a gift which he will not interfere with. However, through prayer we may call on God’s divine way of sending people that could allow these adversaries to open their eyes and change the path of destruction towards the rest of us.
We can never believe that our prayers will not be answered in spite of the free will of our adversaries’. They are attempting to bring us down. All prayer is heard and God always answers them. But, to us who are close to God and are able to accept His Will we must remember that the Lord will always answer our petitions in ways that are best for us. There may be times when we want to choreograph our prayers but must direct them as God will have it.
How powerful are the prayers when dire circumstances confront us, individually or collectively? Let us remember that there were times when great catastrophies faced Christians and the most simple of prayers brought God’s intercession that changed the course of events.
In the year 1571, the Battle of Lepanto, on the European Continent, threatened to wipe out Christianity. A strong Muslim force was seeking to place a crescent on top of St. Peters and place a turban on the pope’s head. Christians joined together, turned to Mary invoking the Rosary, and were saved when God gave them victory during one of the most famous naval battles of history. This occurred off the coast of Greece in a place called Lepanto in the year of 1571.
Some information regarding St. Pius V during his reign when a lot of turmoil presented itself with the Turks and their quest to conquer many areas of the western Mediterranean and Europe. These events threatened Christianity. As the reign of Pope Pius began the Christian world was in chaos. The Council of Trent (1545 - 1563) was recently completed. In 1569, Pope Pius V issued a “Papal Bull” (an official papal letter or document) which set the universal standard for praying the Rosary. As the sea battle between Christians and the Turks loomed, Pope Pius asked Christians to pray the Rosary, seeking the intercession of the Blessed Mother with her Son for a Christian victory. He also ordered the churches to conduct continuous periods of adoration.
The October 7 battle lasted 5 hours. When the battle was over the Turks lost 20,000 men and 200 ships. The Christian losses were less than 8,000 men and only a few vessels. By the grace of God, Christianity was saved.
What about Fatima, during the period of the First World War? How about the miracle at Lourdes? Prayer has brought many thousands undeniable healing, physical, mental, and most of all spiritual. This article might appear to be all about Mary; and it is. God’s Mother is the essence of intercession through her Son, to the Father, and changes in the face of doubt and fear have been overcome. These are the results of Christians seeking God’s hand being guided with prayer.
Do not forget October is the month for the Rosary and is perhaps the most common prayer for Catholics. Praying to the Blessed Mother certainly pleases her Son, Jesus Christ.
Prayer; it is the Unlimited Source of Hope!
Ralph B. Hathaway, 2020 and the need for Prayer