The Original Mega Church – Catholicism
There is a vile and malignantly infectious disease attacking our Church, and the Bishops won't talk about it.
It is however apparent in the events that keep unfolding time after time and day after day. As if Cardinal McCarrick wasn't bad enough, now we have priests partaking in Masochistic sex with dominatrixes on our altars. The Church was infiltrated years ago by these homosexual Satanist Marxists, and our clerical hierarchy refuses to recognize it, admit to it or do something about it. In fact, in the words of Bishop Barron, that is a job for the laities. When confronted with the horrendous destruction of statues of our blessed saints in California, as the sheep cried out in a desolation for leadership and guidance in the crusade to save our blessed relics and symbols, that was the response from Barron, it's just wasn't his job, it was the laity's job. And so that was that.
It's becoming more difficult by the day to differentiate who is who, and what is what, and who or what can be trusted within our clergy. Just who is embroiled in this web of homosexual, satanic, and Marxist clergy? Are they hiding in plain site, within our own congregations?
Barron was blasted on social media for his remarks, and he did try to do some damage control, but it is hard to recover from a remark that reveals so much. Is he is just one more cleric who has joined the bandwagon of the church of nice, negotiating the waters of political correctness to protect and promote a media empire? Another celebrity cleric who is more concerned with not upsetting his cash flow and popularity base? When the McCarrick crisis hit months ago, Bishop Barron wrote a book, and it was a big seller, evidently parishes all over our nation bought and distributed this book, his consoling words to a suffering Church. The things is, he didn't address the real issue in that book. What is that real issue? The real issue is that satanic and Marxist homosexual priests and clergy have entered our Church and seek to destroy Her from within. That is the real issue. I know, it is crazier than fiction, right? It seems paranoid, right? But it isn't paranoid, if they are really out to get you!
EWTN recently released and is broadcasting a documentary that outlines all of this in pretty brutal and candid fashion. It is a wake up call to each of us. It is up to us, the laity, to save our Church, the clerics certainly aren't going to do it. The ones who do speak truth are pretty immediately silenced by their bishops, as was the case with Father James Altmann. The clergy who truly love the sheep will speak out, they will speak truth, and they will risk themselves for their flocks. Too bad, that doesn't include too many.
It's time. We need to start stepping up and speaking out. It's the laity that is digging up all the dirt that needs exposure. Some say these outlets are creating division? I'm not sure what isn't more divisive than clergy raping boys and young men. It seems they might not be above framing fellow clerics and getting them confined to jail for uncovering financial misdeeds and misappropriations, in other words outright theft in huge proportions from Vatican charity funds. I'm not sure what is unitive about priests defiling Houses of God by fornicating on their altars, or cardinals and bishops partaking in orgies on the Vatican grounds. Wake up people, it's time. It's time to take back our Church and save souls. Jesus wins in the end, but we must save souls as we journey to our promised land. It won't be easy. We will meet resistance from the most unlikely, but forge ahead, because the salvation of souls is at stake and there is nothing more unitive than that. No, there really isn't a reasonable hope that all our saved, we can hope, but it certainly isn't reasonable, not in a universe where Christ reigns as merciful savior but also as just judge. Our choices do make a difference, they do matter, to ourselves, those we meet along the way and for the entire world. That goes for both bad and good choices and both will receive the justice they are due. Christ promises us that.
Unite and pray together, gather and pray the rosary, rally and recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet, prayer is our weapon, and the rosary is our sword. It is the best way to fight, and the most effective. Our Blessed Mother does crush the serpent's head, and she does so to the rallying cries and cheers of her faithful children! Join this bandwagon, pray, pray and then pray some more! Pray together, publicly in groups with other faithful Catholics. The life of the Church and the souls of so many depend on it.
If you love the Church, if you love the Catholic Faith, stand up and fight! As the famous words of St. Joan of Arc proclaimed, "I was born for this!" So are we! We were born into this time for a specific purpose and mission. God will do what he always does when the Church faces such crisis, he raises up Saints, to fight as the Church Militant and save the souls He entrusts to Her care. Let's be those saints, let this be our mission, and let us rise up and fight for our God and our Church family. There is nothing more vital and important in this time, or for this age.
"Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops, and your religious act like religious." – Fulton J. Sheen