"I Know You"
Our Call from Jesus is to take up your cross and come. "Follow Me."
This 'Following Jesus in His footsteps' will lead us to Mountain tops, up rocky difficult paths as we carry the cross.
This is our Calling. Like Mary we choose to say "Yes," for we love our Lord and want and desire to follow Him. We want to do things His Way, to walk in His Way of "love, as I have loved you."
Accepting this call, as you all know, WILL NOT BE EASY.
Facts: we will face everyday of our life some type of heaviness, burdens, trails, tribulations--everyday; for we are loved and we will be disciplined by our God who loves us.
Today in our world especially, the uncertainty of what is 'bad/evil' and what MORE is to come is a stark reality. We awake every morning with the choice of get "busy living or get busy dying."
Did you know that heart cardio vascular disease is the number one cause of death in the USA. NOT COVID! 2300 deaths A DAY from this disease. Who do we blame for this? Not God. Personal lifestyle is the cause of people dying from heart disease. Behavior passed down creates the family history passed down.
Cancer is the next leading cause of death in our country. Now, how is this connected to the mountains, the rocky paths and our crosses? IF you are reading this, like myself you are dealing with some type of physical 'health problem.' This is because of end results of our choices, our choosing to live unhealthy lifestyles that have lead us to this point in our life.
There is hope for us, thanks to God's mercy, compassion, understanding and forgiving love. IF you are dealing with illness---the answer first and foremost is to Seek His Presence!!! Go and receive regularly the healing Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist. Go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly too. Not because we have 'mortal sins' to confess but, because that is when you face the facts that actions not taken, thoughts and deeds of ours will lead up to the 'killing of our body' EVENTUALLY. If we do not REPENT and CHANGE the direction of our lives---we will surely die sooner than what God had intended. When we are obedient to His Word. When we are servants who serve and LOVE AS I HAVE LOVED----then we are happy, we are blessed and we prosper in all that we do!
Remember this, too, and TAKE COURAGE my friends. It is on the mountaintop that just like Christ we are transfigured or changed in the process of getting to the top. The same is true as we carefully walk our paths, choosing the best, the right way to live to avoid trips and falls in dangerous territories. Not only is our life changed, but also the lives of others who are touched by the life we live. We learn from each other.
On the mountain, we draw closer to God, as we hear His whispers as we are far from the noise of this world. On our cross we become dependent on His strength and the power of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. On those mountains, and rocky paths--He is the Good Shepherd who leads us and guides us, feeds us and protects us FOR HIS NAMESAKE!!
When we are given crosses in our lives, mountains to climb or a rocky path that is difficult to travel: REMEMBER ALWAYS the Promise of God. "I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS!"
Peace be with you as the breathe in the Holy Spirit and please pray for all those fellow travelers who are in the same boat as you are now or will be some day--as this life goes on until Jesus comes again.