Our Lady of the Rosary and Our Mission for the Salvation of the World
Each one of us was born at a specific moment in time, and in space on this temporal Earth for specific reasons and purposes. Each one of us has a God-given mission that only we individually can fulfill for His plan and will for mankind's redemption. God's plan was put in place long before mankind was even created. He is all knowing. He created us even knowing the suffering He would eventually endure because of our disobedience and pride.
Our God is so glorious and so loving, that he also involves us in this plan of His for our very own redemption. It is so amazingly played out in the story of Mary and her role in all of this. It is also displayed in the lives of all the Saints. People, not unlike us, but who were obedient and submission to God's plan and mission for their lives. They all won souls for the Kingdom! That is what we are called to do.
So, how do we do that? Well, first and foremost we are obedient to the teachings of the Church. To be obedient to the teachings of the Church, we MUST know what they are. This is not an easy task right now. We have many false teachers muddying the waters and distorting what the Church teaches at all levels of the clergy, and among the laity, including at the very top. So, how do we know that difference, how do we distinguish between what is right and what is not so right. How do we see and recognize Truth in an ocean of lies, deceit and manipulation. Well, we accept again, the gifts God has given us through the Sacraments and we participate and receive them, WORTHILY, as often as possible. We also have some very effective and efficacious devotions that can help us get tuned in to the Sacred Heart of Jesus more intimately. Adoration and Exposition coming to mind as the best, then there is the Divine Office, the Saints and the Rosary, just to name a few. The Church has been infused with multitudes of treasure to help guide us along this journey.
There needs to be some caution used with this as well, because mixed in with all these gifts are some destructive heresy cloaked in what seems like Truth and goodness but which can lead us away from Godliness. It is very tricky. Satan loves to package wickedness as righteousness and he wraps his vile and ugliness in very beautiful packaging. So, be weary of this as well. Just like mankind, the bad is mixed in with the good, and we need to know how to sort through it all.
We must ensure we are reading reputable authors and scholars. and watching credible and truthful representatives of the Faith, we can't trust just anyone wearing a color, or a nun's habit or even a miter.
We absorb ourselves in prayer. Ask for wisdom and discernment. God will give us the Graces we need to be faithful, if we really seek Truth and not just our own version of it. Be mindful of that as well, to be Faithful is difficult because so much of what gets us to Heaven is difficult and arduous. Know that if it isn't difficult, it probably isn't Truth. Most of us look for the easy way, the cop out and the emotional. Stop that! Don't get caught up in this. Look for Truth and seek out reliable counsel if unsure.
Finally, once we know the teachings and can discern the Truth, spread it like wildfire! We will be rejected, Truth will be rejected. It is even more difficult since so much heresy and outright rejection of True teachings are being spewed from even the "Vicar of Christ". So be vigilant, that lion is in on the prowl. We have armies at our disposal, invoke the Saints and angels, especially our own special guardian angel. This is not a battle for the faint of Heart, so we arm ourselves with the Word of God, the Word made flesh, and then we go out there and win souls for Christ.
For us as Catholic Christians, this should just all be in a day's work, right? So slay those lions and dragons, because like Saint Joan of Arc, we were born for this!