Hi, it's Me God: Seeking to be One With You.
Just a Laborer—Not the Savior
Celebrating a year on the internet Podcast show “Its Me-God” my co-host shared how, as a recovering alcoholic he always looked forward to spending an hour with God on the show. “It is like coming to church.”
Now I have never met this man, he was asked to be the sound man for the show and this led to being co-host. You see, I live in Arkansas and call out to Los Angeles, California where the show is fed live and taped for folks to listen to at anytime. Never met him, and just learned that day more of his story. So it excited me to hear his story and how God was working in his life, for being a typical human, I was wondering if the show was helping anyone. God in His love was reassuring me through Johnnie--"Of course it is for I know what I am doing, have faith and believe."
Johnnie's sharing gave me hope that somewhere out there in cyber land—there are those who would never think to go to church would click on out of curiosity and hear what Johnnie was hearing.
Later while reflecting on these thoughts--the words “well, at least I have saved one soul” came into my mind—followed immediately by “You don’t do the saving!”
Oh that is right, for that is God’s job—I am just the laborer in the field. I am to plant those seeds of hope, till and care for what is growing there. “ I am just farmer John, who from sun up to sun down is to be in the fields for Christ!!!
I am so thankful for that inner voice that keeps me in line, under His perfect Care. Which has me wondering some times—is this my conscience, my Guardian Angel or the Voice of God I hear? It is all three—each has a specific role to play in my walk with Him—but back on track here, and thank God, He keeps me there.
Just a laborer—someone who bends down to someone who is found laying in the dirt, dust them off with love, give them water to quench the thirst, or give them food that enriches the soul. Words of encouragement, comfort, and from memories of my own struggles, words that say—“I know what you are dealing with.”
If God wants me to speak of His Love, His Son dying for them and if they believe in Him they will be saved— well, it would only be after the tilling, the planting, the weeding (in my own life), the watering, or the everyday work of tending to the needs of the one who is there. It would be then and only when, they ask to know more about why I do what I do, or where I go to church---that I can speak of a Savior who waits so patiently to embrace them in total love and forgiveness, understanding and healing.
If, I see someone sick, hurting, struggling or in need of ‘saving’ God has taught me to just show understanding, and comfort. To be there and wait for the Holy Spirit to open the doors that can lead into praying with them or just saying to them—“I will keep you in prayer.” The conversation will always end with “God bless you and help you today in the way you need it the most. He is with you now and always.”
Yesterday, someone asked “How are you?” when we passed each other at work. “I am blessed and so are you,” was my reply, an answer that always comes in reply to that question. She got this ‘look’ on her face and kept walking, but later—she said “You gave me a teaching today” and shared with her friend standing there what I said. “I have never thought of it that way. I am blessed.” Another seed was planted for Christ. Oh, those tiny little seeds we can plant!
God knows the right moment, the perfect timing to pierce the soul with His saving grace and to bring them into His Light, His Love and the fullness of His Plan for them. Knowledge of God is given one seed at a time, one act of kindness, one smile, one hug, or squeeze of a hand at a time. This is our role—to just be a laborer---who was once just a weak and wounded person-fallen and down when a laborer saw our needs and planted seeds.
"It is spring, Farmer Johns, --time to plant more seeds."