Church Rules are not for Me!
There certainly is a lot of judgment happening these days -- in the media, on social network platforms, in conversations. The problem is that the judgements issued are thrown around and wielded by those who are ignorant of the Faith and of Scripture.
It is ironic, because those among us that love to cast the old, “who am I to judge?" verse out there when it is convenient to them have no problem passing judgement over someone's heart; which by the way, is something that we are never permitted to do. They are the ones the guiltiest of doing that which they condemn.
Jesus calls people like this time and time again hypocrites. What the above particular scripture verse refers to is the judgement of someone's heart; the judgement of someone's heart as either ‘good’ or ‘evil.’ That is a judgement for God alone. Those of us questioning and, worse, blaspheming against the heart of another will be judged ultimately in the same way. That is the warning.
I guess this isn't surprising, though. This scripture verse is twisted just like many other; and similar to the twisted reasoning that those who are lost use to justify voting for those who defy everything the Catholic Faith teaches, believes in and holds dear. It's pretty fascinating to watch. Those of us who deem judgment as sinful have no problem judging how they will vote on determinations of a person's personality and past sins. We should be grateful that God does not judge each and every one of us in the same manner. None of us would be saved. Especially some of the greatest Saints the Church has canonized, along with most of the great Fathers of the Old Testament - David, Noah, Abraham.
We are all fallen. We all have made mistakes. I would imagine that most of us could not survive the scrutiny of our sins by others the way we scrutinize our fellow man's sins. We are called to judge actions and yes, actions and behaviors are important things to consider when sizing up candidates and people, but also is compassion and mercy. We need to take the emotion out of this equation and use our reasoning and knowledge and consider the mandates of our Faith when making these kinds of monumental decisions that will determine how All of us will live and maybe die. It is why so many of us get so upset and resort to insults and name calling, which I am not defending, but am trying to in compassion understand.
Voting in defiance of the Church is treasonous and will directly affect our ability to live and to worship God. If you don't believe this, research Marxism and educate yourself on how Marxists work and manipulate and lie. Also, learn how they hate God and want to eliminate Him from our society.
Those of us who are emotionally conceding our vote to the Democratic Party are doing so out of emotion and are not rationally considering the most important freedoms that our Declaration of Independence guarantees. Anyone voting blue is attacking and jeopardizing the rights of all of us to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If we are justifying that vote by the past sins of the candidates, then shame on us. Actions can portray to us the heart, but it is the current actions we must consider. The current actions and statements of one candidate defy the Catholic Faith, even though he considers himself Faithful, and the actions of another adhere to most, or at least many more mandates of our Faith. Why is it that we relish the fact that when we get good with God in confession we can begin again, it's a new day, but we deny that someone else may have done this himself. Pride gets in the way of reason, I get it, it is difficult to set aside and conquer. Letting our emotions dictate our decisions though, is a mistake, emotions change, Truth doesn't.
The election brings out all the dirty laundry and exposes those of us not truly aligned and following obedience to Christ through His church. That might be a good thing. This election really isn't our main concern. Whatever happens this week, whoever wins, it is only temporal. The actions and states of our heart though leading up to that decision, I fear, could be carried into eternity by many. That would be the true tragedy. Many of us fear an earthly temporal death much more than we do an eternal one. That is way more important than any election. We may survive or not survive the elections, the riots, the injustices in this life, but we definitely will not survive favorably in the next life with the kind of actions that portray hearts far away and in defiance of the God Almighty. And the souls of the unborn cry out for justice to all those complicit in their murders. God does not judge as man does, but He does warn that our hearts will be judged as we judge the hearts of others. That really does reflect the state of our own hearts. May the God of the Universe send us the Graces to recognize our own wrongly ordered judgmental actions, and clarify Truth, so we can move toward union with Christ and His Church and ultimately be greeted at the Heavenly gates humbly as good and faithful servants.