We Never Lose Our Value in God's Eyes
The world from our window has seen destruction,
Has felt earth’s tremors, roaring seas swept high.
Blackened waves hiding dead fish land not in nets-
Upon palm trees they now reside.
Strong waves sweep remains from an earlier hurricane
Across lengthly high-watered roads.
Into the night there is no lessening wind,
No calm to offer one,
No sign our world is safe once more.
“He has stretched out his hand over the sea,
He has shaken the kingdoms.” (Is23:11)
Another day with damage noted;
Sea gulls fly once again,
Planes survey residents:
their hands locked in solidarity.
Another night brings calming seas,
A bright full moon hangs low:
Yes, now God has spoken to his people.
We will rebuild, we will conquer the hurricane foe:
Our coastal homes, our bay lifestyle shall rise again.
Te Deum
You are God, we praise you;
You are the Lord, we acclaim you;
You are the eternal Father:
All creation worships you………
Day by day we bless you.
We praise your name forever;
Lord, show us your love and mercy
For we put our trust in you:
In you Lord, is our hope
And we shall never hope in vain.