A Sudden Death
We are headed for more lockdown in the coming weeks as the virus spreads more rapidly, and you can feel the anxiety in the air. Many of us have been praying for a vaccine and for an end to all of this suffering.
For many years I’ve had a chronic disease, and only recently did the Lord bring some significant healing into my life. It came after 9 years. During those 9 years, the Lord pummeled me into the depths of my soul, and I grew a deeper relationship with Him. It also was a test of faith and persistence in praying for the healing I desired. For many years I kept fighting with God over this, but mostly, He wanted me to accept it while seeking healing.
The miracle eventually came. Differently than I expected, but it came!
Only now do I realize that without that illness I faced, likely, my relationship with God would not have grown. I would not have had an experience of healing, and would not have recognized the Lord as the source of my healing. I would also not have realized the mystery of persistence in prayer and its fruitful rewards of a deeper faith and trust in God. Lastly, if it had happened too quickly, I would not have learned that healing comes in God’s time and in God’s ways. I also recognized the power of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, which I received during the year of the healing. These are all truths that I now have lived experience with.
I share this testimony because I believe the experience of COVID-19 can teach us similar truths, but I’m not sure that many of us are embracing that. This is a time where we are pummeled into solitude, prayer, and hopefully, a deeper and growing relationship with God as we actively seek healing and wait for Him to answer our prayers for healing.
Are you embracing it or are you fighting it?
The miracle will come. Not in our time, but God’s time. Seek it, pray for it, have faith in it, and embrace the suffering along the way. There will come an end to all this, and new vibrant life afterwards.