The Eucharist in IKEA Bowls & Disposable Paper Cups: Enough is Enough!
Massachusetts has always been labeled by its people as the “little sister” of California. The Bay State loves to follow the demented laws and ideas that California comes up with. Just a few examples are:
On November 6th, our Governor Charlie Baker updated our COVID “mandates” and here are the results… tell me if this sounds like it just goes perfectly with our state motto, “By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty“. What’s liberty?? And we won’t even go into how out-of-their-jurisdiction these mandates are… (“The federal government certainly can’t do it because the federal government is not charged with public health or public safety,” Napolitano told Fox News’ Melissa Francis. “That is an area that is reserved by the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution for the states.”)
In order to comply with this advisory, between the hours of 10pm and 5am, you must:
And here’s a good laugh… our Nazi leaders “Healthy Thanksgiving” that sounds a lot like California’s Christmas Cancellation. <-- Keep in mind, these "mandates" are for INSIDE OUR OWN HOMES.
Now, listen to this. ALL this is because of reported “1,000 news CASES for fives days straight in Massachusetts”. And then, get this, they said that the POSITIVE cases have gone up to…. wait for it…. 1.5%. You read that right. All these regulations for 1.5% of positive tests. And you can test positive and not even be suffering from COVID. A positive COVID test can mean you have HAD IT IN THE PAST. Let's see what the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons have to say about positive COVID tests and so on in September 2020:
“A review by the Times found that “in three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus” (Keep in mind, ONE AND A HALF PERCENT of tests in Massachusetts have been found POSITIVE. Yes, caps lock helps me feel better, don’t judge me. ??)
We continue with the AAPS:
“According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is extremely difficult to detect any live virus in a sample above a threshold of 33 cycles. But officials at some state labs said the CDC had not asked them to note threshold values or to share them with contact-tracing organizations.
Many experts were “stunned” to learn of these high rates of what should be considered false positives—results that came from traces of virus either dead or too minute to cause infection.
About $13 billion has been spent on these tests, and the results have caused untold anxiety and disruption. Temple University canceled classes for 40,000 students because of 103 “positive” tests. Some 800,000 tests are being done every day, and every positive test is called a “case.” This is fueling the panic, which continues, even as the death rate continues to fall.
The crisis will never end if we are waiting for zero positive tests. Everyone has probably had a cold caused by a coronavirus and will likely have a few viral fragments matching those of the cousin SARS-CoV-2 virus. Testing frequency in a country has no correlation with success in disease control.
Yet people who have possible coronavirus symptoms or face a high risk of exposure are still denied prophylactic treatment with hydroxychloroquine, despite evidence of effectiveness in some studies. Pre- or post-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP or PEP), which is heavily promoted for HIV, often based on PCR testing, is discouraged or forbidden for COVID although much safer and cheaper than for HIV.”
Now let's talk about the sacred Masks. My state is embarrassingly “strongly” discouraging us to wear “medical-grade masks” “as medical-grade masks should be reserved for healthcare workers and first responders.” Because we live in a third world country that cannot provide proper masks for our doctors who are so bored in hospitals right now that they are having to lay people off. (Check out “#FilmYourHospital” too, that’s another interesting little tidbit.)
Let's continue our adventure into the world of the masks:
Masks, are we asking the right questions?
More Evidence Masks Don’t Work to Prevent COVID-19
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
If Masks Work, Why Don’t They WORK?
It Is Scientifically Impossible for Masks to Work
CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks
Why Wearing A Mask Can Trigger Panic & Shame For Trauma Survivors
America's Frontline Doctors October 2020
W. MI veteran: PTSD prevents me from wearing mask
Doctor Merritt on Masks "They don't work"
BOTTOM LINE: Be kind to all, masked and unmasked.
Who are we to stick our masked noses in the air and squeal “JUST WEAR THE D*** MASK.” ? People are suffering, really suffering. No one knows or understands what each person may be suffering: their family life, their past, their mental issues, their health issues, their family history, their reason for not wearing the d*** mask. Some people can stand wearing a mask for 6+ hours, God help their immune health… but many cannot. It is simply an ignorant fallacy to use this as an excuse to treat others who cannot wear the mask so shamefully. As human beings, we cannot ignore this and continue to treat others with such contempt, abuse and discrimination. It's time we stop letting the media turn us into savage inhuman beings who seem to care more about pushing others over the brink than being there for them in their time of great need (or I don't know, just letting them shop for their cereal in Walmart without harassing them?).
This whole thing is a sham. (Well look at the election fraud…) The media scrubbing and lies concerning facts about COVID and the mask has gotten so bad that I almost want to screen-shot these websites in case the almighty media take it all down. And remember, this media is the same one that support mass euthanasia, murdering of the unborn without limits, socialism, communism, vitriol against Christianity and any shred of morality, stay-at-home moms, homeschoolers, and anyone who questions their narrative. And these are whom we trust to tell us the whole unbiased truth about COVID? I think not.
We need to ask ourselves… do we want to live in a world where we cannot even speak our own mind (or walk in a store, silently, for that matter)? Where we are forced out of places because we cannot and will not wear a face mask? Where we are treated like a terrible human being because we cannot wear a mask? What happened to “my body my choice”? Or “do your own thing”? We have been pitted against each other, lied to, and forced into complying and we still cannot see it.
In France, women were forced to wear masks during labor and suffered greatly because of it. Will we continue to allow this? It should be our own decisions, not the media. Don’t be sheep. LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, remember? The land of the FREE? The home of the BRAVE? I don’t think so…
Pray. And finally, DONT BE A MASK BULLY. Be kind to all, masked and unmasked. Stop being so mean to other people: our country is burning and we are letting it while attacking our own fellow Americans.