The Visitation Sisters of Toledo: An Ark Amidst the Storms of Life
Have you ever known a saint who did not have to overcome a great obstacle?
Did you know that the saint whom God chose to spread devotion to the Sacred Heart had to contend with family resistance as a child when she wanted to become a religious?
When the father of Margaret Mary Alacoque died, several aunts moved in with her and exerted a controlling influence over her. But by God’s providence, the situation changed and Margaret Mary eventually entered the community of the Visitation Sisters.
Such is the struggle of the saints.
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque is known for the visions of Jesus Christ that she received in the 1600’s for the purpose of enhancing devotion to the Sacred Heart all over the world.
In a recent interview, Visitation Sister Sr. Susan Marie met with Kristin Priola and Jordan Burke, of the Saints & Sages podcast show. They explored the difficult mission the young Sr. Margaret Mary struggled with to enter religious life as well as to bring attention to this devotion.
Click here for the YouTube interview, “The Demanding Mission of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.”
In this video, Sr. Susan Marie traces the difficulties the saint had as an adolescent at home. She could be called the patroness of adolescence. As a young girl, Margaret Mary had a vocation brewing, but the path to this calling was difficult because of the resistance at home.
Another story in her life is that of the monastery formator of Sr. Margaret Mary, who aided her in prayer by suggesting that she go to the Blessed Sacrament and act as a blank canvas upon which a painter would paint his picture. She was told that the Lord would paint his beauty upon it. Thus, in silence God will develop your soul, or spirit, Sr. Susan Marie reminds us in the interview. All you have to do is to be silent and let him do it.
Sr. Susan Marie also talks about other saints who spread devotion to the Sacred Heart. She also talks about the Guard of Honor, the enthronement of the Sacred Heart, and how to grow in your love of the Sacred Heart.
She describes her own vocation to the Visitation Sisters, which started with a kindergarten class trip to pray before a statue of the Sacred Heart. Today, Sr. Susan Marie is the superior of the Brooklyn, NY Visitation Monastery. Her interview was originally featured on the Saints & Sages podcast show.
For more information on devotion to the Sacred Heart and Visitation Spirituality, go to