When You Experience the Ugly Side of The Church
I was listening to a Catholic podcast the other day, “Created and Called,” and a young religious sister gave a wise piece of advice: Stay honest with the Lord.
It’s a good question to ask ourselves: Am I being bluntly honest with God?
We all have hard things that lie on our hearts -- especially these days. Difficult questions. Sorrows. Points of confusion. Issues that make us angry. Moments of insecurity. Deep desires unfulfilled. Minutes of wondering “why?"
Some of us stew on those inside. Some release them to others. And many go to social media and unleash there!
Maybe there’s a different path: Candid conversation in prayer. Blunt honesty with your Father in heaven.
Take it all to Him. Every word, every feeling, and every thought. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Yes, we have the blessings of the rosary and many other formal prayers, techniques, and novenas, and they add depth to our faith. But this is what the foundation of a real relationship and prayer life looks like with God in our Catholic faith: honest conversation: sharing what’s on our hearts moment by moment.
If you want a deeper relationship with God, take the wise religious sister’s advice: stay honest with Him.