Let's Stop Reducing St. Francis' Feast Day to a Pet Blessing!
Every Advent carries a different spirit for me. This Advent feels like one of basking in joy and hope of the fulfillment of the Lord’s promises.
After a long period of desert and “locusts” for several years, I’m encountering the Lord of the harvest in most areas of my life. I’m seeing the promises the Lord spoke to me be fulfilled. I find myself astounded and surprised by all of the Lord’s goodness I see around me.
Isaiah’s readings speak to me especially this year. Flowing rivers. Fruitful trees. Abundant vintage. It’s like springtime in the readings these days, as much as it feels like springtime in my life.
Healing. Bound up wounds. A new love relationship. Savored friendships. Clear vocation. Purposeful, fruitful work. Dreams taking shape.
This Advent, I’m encountering the God who fulfills His promises after hoping and waiting for so many years that He would in fact lead me out of the desert and prepare a way forward.
May Advent remind you that God is faithful and does bring about His promises, and that Christmas joy is just around the corner.