Editor's Note: I contacted Fr. Hampsch about writing for Catholic365 in June of 2020. We had a wonderful phone conversation where he gave me some background on his life as a Catholic priest, and also spoke of his deteriorating health. He mailed me the following poem entitled "Bethlehem Afterglow" to publish around Christmas, as well as a copy of his book, One Minute Meditations For Busy People. I received word recently that Fr. Hampsch passed away on November 9, 2020 at the age of 94. I am grateful for our brief conversation and will continue to post excerpts from his works in the future.
Bethlehem AfterglowWhen heaven's "Glory in the Highest" kissed earth's "lowliest of the low," sacred ecstasies perhaps were birthed, as one might well Imagine, witnessing from a distance the most prodigious drama of any creature-Creator encounter, and staged in earth's most unpretentious theatre.
A cattle shed, with its nauseous stench and scatter-clutter, had segued into a simple lowly throne-room for the meek and humble Infant King of Kings. From there the cuddly Baby-God surveyed the awesome universe that He Himself created.
The feeding manger merged into a grace-designed repository for heaven's sacred soul food--the Blessed Bread of Life. |
Swaddling clothes--grace--vestures that clothe a soul engaged in any prayerful God--encounter.
Mary's lap--lovely pulpit from which she joyfully proclaimed the awesome Word of God that she herself had just enfleshed.
Joseph--stalwart and noble highly privileged guard who, from creation's very dawn was Providence-- assigned to protect the sainted Virgin--Mother and her tiny Baby God.
Angel choirs--delighted to share with joy--impoverished earthlings a few enrapturing echoes of heaven's hosanna symphony.
Peace on earth--a precious Gift from God himself that even to this very day still remains unopened. |