Good morning out there! Peace and blessings to all of you. I have so much to share. Our seven year old granddaughter (just had a birthday a couple of weeks ago) was diagnosed with leukemia a little over six weeks ago. She has been in a very good children's hospital since then. Jim and I have been taking care of her two brothers and two sisters during this time. They range in age from five years old to fourteen and a half. Our daughter-in-law is at the hospital with her during the week while our son works. He goes and stays with her on the weekends and our daughter-in-law comes home to spend time with the other four children. Our granddaughter is doing okay but she has had some scary complications. Please keep her in your prayers. She has been so tough through it all. I call her my warrior princess. They have met other families at this hospital. It breaks your heart to know that so many children have cancer. The doctors and nurses have been amazing. We have been blessed during this time with a tremendous outpouring of kindness, generosity, love, and support. And talk about prayers and the power of prayers!
People of all ages, from all over this country have been praying for our granddaughter, and for our whole family. Faith and prayers - family and friends! The week before our granddaughter's birthday, cards and gifts were delivered to our home. Some by mail, other by UPS and FED EX, and several were hand-delivered. We still receive a couple of cards every week. Kindness and generosity - family and friends!
Jim and I, and our grandchildren who are staying with us during this extended time have also been blessed in abundance by our family and friends. Two of my dear friends organized a meal train to help out with meals a couple of times a week. Our friends signed up and we have been receiving dinners on Tuesday and Thursday evenings every week since the end of May. Other family members and friends have brought meals on other days also. We have been blessed with groceries, tamales, tortillas, fresh fruit, toilet paper, laundry detergent (tons of laundry now), paper towels, Pizza Nights, Ice Cream with all the toppings, cones, bowls, and spoons, gift cards to Chick Fil A, Dairy Queen, HEB, Walmart etc.
The Catholic Church where my son and his family attend have given us brisket, buns, chips, paper goods, and more! Their parish priest bought snacks, milk, and breakfast items for the kids. He and the members of the parish have prayed many rosaries for our son and his family. During this time we have prayed and cried, prayed and laughed and prayed some more. Our daughter and son-in-law, who have three daughters of their own, have helped out so much. The kids love to spend time with their cousins, and aunt and uncle. Jess has picked up the kids and taken them swimming, back to their home to hang out, for sleep overs, etc. She has helped organize closets, dresser drawers, and my refrigerator! Phone calls, and texts, and visits by so many concerned family and friends. In the last six + weeks our lives have changed dramatically. But our faith in God, our strong, close knit family, and our devoted friends have been with us on this journey. We are so thankful for each and every one you!
Thank you for being the Christ-light for us during this time. Please know that we are here for you too!
Blessings and peace.
Bye for now, Sharla