Strengthen the Hands That Are Weak
The beauty and simplicity of the Christmas image of the little family is familiar to us all – Mary and Joseph, with the newborn baby Jesus lying in a manger, on a cold night long ago in the little town of Bethlehem. Of this obscure moment in time, countless songs have been sung, symphonies composed, and masterpieces of art created. This was the moment when God entered into human history to lead us back to Him. It should take our breath away to know how much God loved us, to become one of us!
Over the course of our lives, Christmas takes on different meanings. From the magic of Christmas as a child, gazing with wonder at the new toys under the tree, to the too-busy days of adulthood, rushing to wrap gifts and bake cakes, to the quiet peace of old age, sitting by the fire writing Christmas cards, the stages of life inevitably bring changes. But one tradition that should always be part of our Christmas preparation is setting up a nativity scene.
When I was a child, my parents always placed their nativity scene prominently in the front hall. And I still remember the life size outdoor nativity that our parish Church always displayed, beautifully lit in the soft darkness of a snowy Christmas Eve.
Each Christmas, our family places a nativity scene in our home, and our parish always displays a beautiful nativity beside the altar. But over the years, public nativity displays have disappeared as lawsuits and controversies increase. In response, I placed an outdoor nativity in my yard, hoping that many others would do the same, to remind the world of the Good News of the birth of Christ.
But on a drive around town to look at Christmas lights recently, I was sad to see very few nativities, while snowmen, Santas, and flashing trees abound. It seems the Child in the manger has been forgotten, rejected by men, just as He was in life.
This Christmas, let us each make room in our hearts, our homes, and our front yards for the Christ Child, singing His praises with joy, and reminding the world of the true gift of Christmas, Jesus Christ.