Well, I Told You So!!!
What Did She Say? Mary’s Words, Well Not Exactly.
“Okay, let it be done. I do not know how God—I don’t know how it is humanly possible to do this on my own. But Father, I trust in You, so if You are asking me to bring into this world Your saving WORD—then let this happen—use me--Father to do Your Will.” (2015 version of Mary’s conversation with Gabriel, and our reply too, when we are asked to bring the Love of Jesus into this world.)
“And you know what else she said? I heard it was something like this. I mean she just went on and on about this new Love of hers.”
“I am so excited at the marvels of God’s love. I cannot stop speaking of His wondrous deeds! He has done so many great things for me. He saw how down I was and He delivered me out of despair, raising me up, rescuing me from those who would look down upon who I am and who speak wrong of me. He sees me as blessed above all women—and by the might of His arm has scattered those who, haughty and proud, would not believe in His faithful love. In His mercy, He has provided for all who hunger and thirst for His goodness. Never once have His promises been broken—He is with us always, all of His children forever.”
And what of us, can we not stop speaking of His great Love? Should we pray Holy Spirit that you fill our hearts daily with Your power and love that the Presence of Jesus within us is so very obvious— like a big baby bump, that it is hard to miss His Presence growing inside? Through that Presence, Holy Spirit, may we be fruitful with His Love. Lord, just as John jumped with joy, seeing Jesus in Mary, may I too always see Jesus in those that come into my life. Our words, our life should echo Mary’s Magnificat.
“Oh, oh, Momma is not very happy today with this Son of hers.”
“Why have You done this Jesus, why have You left us, causing us to frantically search for You for three days? You are too young to be leaving us, even if You want to be in the Father’s house.” (Mary is truly a Mom first—and Jesus being the obedient son—went home to mature in wisdom and grace.)
Mary keep watching over us too and make sure we do not stray from the Love of God—desiring to do things our way—thinking we know best. Our first duty is serving God at home, and even if we are highly involved in church activities, being away too much from home life may not be God’s plan for us NOW. In obedience let us mature in wisdom and grace, waiting on His perfect time to fulfill His plan for our life.
“Oh dear, let us hope she has not become a controlling Jewish Mom! Oh, good, she did not. Look and listen to what else she said.”
“Son, they have a problem—they are without Your joy.” Turning to us-- “I see, well then ‘do what He tells you to do—and you will see the needed change you long for.”
The greatest advice this Mother could give us—DO WHATSOEVER HE TELLS YOU TO DO. Thank you, Blessed Momma, for all you said!
From there on out to the end of her Son’s life, it wasn’t what Mary said, it was what she did. Faithful till the end, she stayed close to Him. Even when Jesus faced His greatest time of need for her love, Mary too, obeyed, prayed, served and took on the role of Mother all of her life, and when she could have “retired,” she said “Yes again to motherhood. She did not question, or tell Him what to do. She trusted in God, as should you and I.
“Holy Mary, full of Grace, Mother of God, pray for us sinners during all the hours of our living and at the hour of our death. Amen”