Our Church is suffering right now. We are entering a time of great tribulation, and all I see on social media is not Catholics against heretics, not Devout Catholics against lukewarm Cafeteria Catholics - but now what I see is Devout Catholic against Devout Catholic arguing and condemning each other over not Dogmatic Teachings but Magisterial approved disciplines and practices. It's the NO Catholics against the TLM Catholics, and the On-the-Tongue Catholics against the In-the-Hand Catholics, and now its' the Pro-Vaccine Catholics against the Anti-Vaccine Catholics. It is ridiculous, and Satan is having a hey day. He knows that devout Catholics united in their devotion and obedience to Christ are dangerous to his plot and mission and so he is hard at work dividing us. Creating a chasm and a distraction to the true menace and enemy. He is quite effective and we are playing right into his hands.
Our bishops certainly don't help either. Let me make a clarification. Speaking out against evil is important and we are obligated to call out evil and sinful behaviors. This is our duty as devoted lovers of Truth, but when we cross the line, and start calling out our brothers and sisters regarding practices that are licit and approved or have been granted dispensations for and allowed, we are stepping into that self righteous category that Christ calls out continuously in the gospels. I know, me calling this out could very well be treading into that territory myself, but I am sick of it. We are driving wedges between ourselves over practices that are allowed and that have been deemed authoritatively okay. Who are we to question the magisterial authority of the Church?
We may have difference of opinions on how to execute the practice of receiving Holy Communion, and those opinions are of value and they are even worthy of discussion and there are very valid points that could render great wisdom to others, but bottom line, it is not up to us to dictate these practices and condemn others who differ from them. When we do this, then we are the ones who are becoming sinful and we are the ones harming the Body of Christ, much to the Devil's delight.
It is more important now than ever before for us to unite. So all of us, whether Novus Ordo or Latin Mass, or hand or tongue, or vaccine accepters or vaccine deniers, we must unite as warriors for Christ, because together we are powerful, together we are strong, and together we are mighty. There is enough justified division between the heretical Catholics and the Orthodox Catholics, that are already putting us at a distinct disadvantage over evil and destruction. Division over orthodox disciplines will cause us to fall. Don't let these practices that are not even dogmatically obligatory stand in the way of pursuing Christ and His Truth, because they, the evil ones, will be coming for us soon. Those of us devout and faithful to Christ will suffer, but we can bear it better together, we can gain strength from each other, and that is where we need to be! United in Truth, no matter how that Truth is practiced if ordained and approved by the Magisterium. Let us unite and fight for our God, and go down in Glory against the true vices and sin destroying our Church, there is enough of that for us to fight and battle, we are distracting ourselves from that mission with these non issues that only separate us and move us closer to Satan than Christ. Love your neighbor, so you can pray for you enemies. We can't convert our enemies if we are too busy fighting amongst ourselves, so let's quit this nonsense and get on with the true mission of saving the lost, right here and right now!