Pie in the Sky
Many students of the Bible know there are multiple stories of creation which pre-date Moses, such as the Enumah Elish. Stories of a world-wide flood also abound, such as the Gilgamesh Epic.
But this should not surprise the Christian. Spiritual darkness smothered humanity as soon as Adam and Eve sinned. Just look how long it took for the first murder to occur.
So, how should the Christian understand ancient myths in the light of holy Scripture?
Before the Exodus, Israel lived in Egypt for four hundred years. They knew the myths. Some had by that time been circulating for half a millennium. Generations of Israelites grew up knowing the myths and, perhaps, many told them to their children.
And then God spoke to Moses from the burning bush.
Moses did much more than bring God’s people out of the physical bondage of Egyptian slavery. He also brought them out of the spiritual darkness of ancient myths. Through Moses, God told His people Israel: “Listen! Pay attention! Here is the truth.”
Fast forward to 2021. Myths still abound, not only those that continue to mock the Biblical record of creation and the flood, but also those that now mock the Biblical record of the virgin birth of our Lord and His physical resurrection from the dead.
No wonder the ancient Hebrew prophet wrote: Who has believed our report? (Isaiah 53:1).
When Joshua stood before Israel in the Promised Land, he challenged them with these words: “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)
God gave ancient Israel a choice: Myths, or His truth. He gives us today the same choice: Myths, or His truth.
What will you do with Truth? As for me and my house, we known what we choose.