A Fundamental Difference
We are in the middle of a pandemic. A pandemic that has rocked the world and changed a great deal about how we operate our daily lives. In the 1940s Bishop Fulton Sheen told his audience on the NBC’s Catholic Hour Radio show that there was a Crisis in Christendom. If this was a crisis then, what would Bishop Sheen say about what is going on in our time now?
Brothers and sisters, this is the theme of this article. Bishop Sheen told his audience that “There are two ways of waking up in the morning. One is to say, 'Good morning, God,' and the other is to say, 'Good God, morning'!” I ask you today how do you say good morning? Do you say Good morning, God or do you say Good God, morning?
The way you answer this question will show what type of person you truly are and how you will handle this crisis. Is this a crisis or is this a challenge? If this is a crisis then you might say Good God, morning if this is a challenge you might say Good morning, God. Do you see the difference between the two? Which one represents our current relationship with God? Why is this important during these darkest of times? Why turn to God for light?
Today our problem may not be the virus. Our problem may actually be us. Look at these two Bishop Sheen quotes of more than 75 years ago. This man amazingly nailed down the situation we currently face in the world today. First, Bishop Sheen explained, “The old liberal rebelled against taxation without responsibility, the new liberal wants taxation as a handout without responsibility.” This is directly opposite the comments of President Kennedy sixty years ago when he asked the nation to ,¨ Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.¨ Second, Bishop Sheen added, “The fact the enemies of God must face is that modern civilization has conquered the world, but in doing so has lost its soul. And in losing its soul it will lose the very world it gained. Even our own so-called Liberal culture in these United States which has tried to avoid complete secularization by leaving little zones of individual freedom is in danger of forgetting that these zones were preserved only because religion was in their soul. And as religion fades so will freedom, for only where the spirit of God is, is there liberty.”
In today's world of shutdowns, and COVID 19, what has happened to our freedom? What has happened to our First Amendment Rights? Have they not been curtailed by the State? What has happened to Religious Freedom in our country? If our country were truly free, and you had an ability to attend Church for Mass could the government shut down Church? Are we truly living in a liberal society if they take away our rights to worship God?
Is the purpose of a government to protect us from God? Is it God who is causing this fear or is it the government?
Brothers and sisters, this is the problem of today. This is what Bishop Sheen was talking about more than seventy years ago. Government is not our savior in this world or the next. We have obtained our freedom from God. God created us and we created that government. The government did not create us nor should we worship the government. The government should do their job and we should do our job- praise God and his Son our Lord Jesus Christ. We can not do it alone, we can not do this in silence, and we will not keep or maintain our liberties if we allow the government to take them away from us.
I started this article by asking the question of how we start our mornings. Do you say Good God, morning or do you say Good Morning, God? One is done by a person who has turned over their soul to the government and the other who has turned their soul over to God. Which one are you? If you say Good God, morning- turn yourself around and begin your day in a new world. Turn yourself around with your attitude toward the government and God. God created you to be a free person to be free to worship Him. He did not create you to be a slave for the government.