......"so that they may be one, as we are one, I in you and you in me......"
After 13 days in the hospital, most spent in the ICU, what was the first view I longed to see? My lovely wife who watched as the paramedics removed me from my home several days before New Years.
No doubt there will be many who have recovered and have their own stories. This story is mine.
My wife informed me that the doctor at St. Clair Hospital told her I had a better chance of dying than living through the next couple of days.
From the perspective of my room I saw during several days people come, stay a while, and were finally taken away to their final resting place. Is it difficult to watch as more and more human persons were brought in for healing only to see one more going home; eternity? Yes it is not easy and the thought am I next.
This article titled “connected” has a more profound significance since it wasn’t the death of fellow patients, but the team of care givers who constantly watched over me 24/7. No sooner had the first nurse made me feel more than just another patient the thought of connection with those whose lives are directed towards you made sense.
Because I am a deacon, I used the grace of ordination to speak of God, our collective faith, and never hesitated to grant God’s blessing through me on each one.
The disease of Covid 19 hit me hard. Pneumonia, blood clot, and the Covid itself. My wife also tested positive, and her condition was my greatest concern. We have a very large family and the amount of rosaries from everyone was a great boost to my recovery. However, my ministry has always been what I am able to give back. I immediately called on the Mother of God asking her to intercede to Her Son Jesus and transfer all the prayers from me to my wife. Her healing came quick and today, the third full day back home has brought the greatest sign of God’s answering prayers.
God isn’t through with my ministry and the strongest understanding that my illness is going to be used by the Holy Spirit in ways yet unknown remain ahead. After 47 years as a deacon it is easy to ascertain God’s movement in my life and am already aware of grace moving with me.
Of all the years of attending Holy Mass, receiving the Holy Eucharist, and sharing in ways through my ministry, it wasn’t until just several days ago that the very presence of God for me was being one short moment from death. Here the real meaning of life, the Church, and God became real. I was closer to God than ever before no matter what and where my ministry took me. It is when death knocks at the door of your essence when the image of God comes in and holds your hand. You are now the closest your soul will ever be to the realm of heaven while still here on earth.
Perhaps as the days loom ahead, my strength returning and life in its fullness continues connecting me with reality the knowledge that God has been the very meaning to what is reality rings out loud and clear; being connected to all around you is the importance of life.
Ralph B. Hathaway, returning from near death to reality of Covid-19 2021