Christ then, Christ now, Christ is coming!
Today, What did you do for Jesus?
A rhetorical question that should have numerous answers, but with some redundancy. If we have to labor for a real answer it may become a negative thought without a positive outcome.
Did you push away an opportunity to make someone feel wanted or ignore the silent plea of a needy person who reached out to you? It isn’t always an artistic accomplishment that answers the question, but an act of pure love that may never be recorded.
God never slackens the ability for all of us to find a way to advance the gospel through a call to a shut-in or picking up groceries for one who is unable to do their own shopping.
Of course, with many who have the gift of reaching others regarding the word of God, our task never becomes boring. Nor should it! Since returning to my PC after my Covid-19 experience already thoughts of God’s presence with articles of faith ponder my cranium and the keys begin a process making marks of contemplation.
Giftedness, I have discovered, comes in many facets each to as many as there are persons receiving these talents. It is through us that the word of God must reach out and refresh the faith of so many who are challenged due to the now past scandals, and this Covid-19 that promises to confront the writers as well as the recipients of our work.
Perhaps the task of touching lives has become more important than at any period in the history of the Church. With diminished opportunities for Holy Mass, in person, the strength of the Sacraments needs more than viewing. They must have a strong array of words that brings together a feeling of being there. With prose, we can touch the senses of so many who will have an essay of faith to constantly pick up and read at leisure.
The lack of the Sacraments hurt us, but the absence of words that can touch the very depth of people’s intellect create a dry interlude of those not having words at their finger tips. We find God in varied ways and those who write are able to use this media to reach so many.
For every article that one writer submits there is one reader to whom the word of God opens up a sign of hope. Take all the words that we send in and a kaleidoscope of information reaches beyond the bounds of quiet tele-communications. It opens the world to so many who would never find God without the gift of communicating. That gift we have reaches more that any of us can imagine.
Ralph B. Hathaway, January 2021