The angels are one of my favorite things about our Catholic Faith that I love to study, read about, and ponder. It's not because I look forward to being one someday, because that idea is pure heresy, and demonic heresy as well. It is shameful that so many people, and people who call themselves Catholic, no less, embrace, preach and evangelize this heresy. The Truth regarding this notion along with the demonic dimension and intention behind it really are at the core of the spiritual warfare now assaulting us, and demonstrates why we seem to be losing so many battles right now. The ignorance we as Catholics have of our Faith is disturbing, the fact that we are so ignorant and don't even seem to realize it, even more so. The fact that so many are so ignorant of the Faith, yet go out and proclaim and execute heresy against it is downright dangerous, and not just to those perpetrating such evil, to all. Influencers, definitely influence, and how they influence can lead people to Heaven or Hell, and influencers will be held culpable for every soul they lead to destruction, as will those who lead others to Heaven be held accountable and rewarded. They are both the noblest of tasks, and the most damnable.
We see this playing out right now, and the unveiling of this kind of warfare has been made so clear, to those who see through eyes of the Faith, and I am referring to the True Faith, not the cafeteria style heretical Faith that most subscribe to. The angels and demons play a part in all of this, a much bigger part than we give them credit for. We are so prideful that we totally underestimate the powers of darkness and Satan, and his minions the demons, or fallen angels.
You see, Satan and is demons, they are also angels. They are angels that refused to serve God, and they willingly left Heaven. These dark angels hate God, and so they seek our destruction with all the vengeance they can muster; because that is the greatest work they can execute against God - our destruction. Why do they hate God so much? Well, the angels are far superior to us, they are pure intellect, pure spiritual beings, and they always will be purely spiritual beings. When they found out they would be "serving" humans, and worse, the Divine plan included almighty God even becoming a Human, and being born of one as well, they sort of lost it. They definitely were not on board with that plan, they despised it and rejected God's will for them in that plan. The same is going to happen to us, if we reject God's will and turn away and fail to serve.
That rejection of God took a huge leap with the Protestant revolt and continues to increase on a day by day, or minute by minute basis. As humans determine for themselves how to serve God, instead of serving God in the way that He demands, and has always commanded. When we do this, we are following the lead and example of the fallen angels. God knows what we need, and He has given us everything we do need, to make it back to Him, and we don't even have to wait til we die. We can be with Him right now, and not just spiritually, but physically, when we approach Him in the Eucharist. Yet, how many find any excuse they can to not attend Mass, even once a week. The Martyrs went to their deaths in defense of the Mass, and we are witnessing holy servants slain on the altar in our times as well, yet we find every reason to not go. Think about the chasm that exists in the hearts of the martyrs and those who fail to attend Mass even once a week, for lame reasons. Right now, that reason is probably driven by fear, yet read about the martyrs and the fears they defied in their quest for God, and the eternal.
Satan is empowered by our fear, and I think the heresy that I started this article out with, demonstrates that. Most of us fear death, and for some reason we find comfort in the notion that we become angels when we die. This is an ignorant notion, because if we die in friendship with God, we become higher than the angels as Saints.
Christ did not come to earth in angelic space and time, or form. Christ did not become an angel to redeem the angels. So how dare anyone proclaim the angelic over the incarnation of Christ? Yet, this is what we do with this silly and very superficial idea. I know, and I get that people doing this have good intentions, but guess what, the road to hell is paved with those kinds of good intentions! I think Satan loves this heresy, because God's angels serve, mingle and unite with the Saints in Heaven, this isn't so in Hell. In Hell the angels torment, they do the opposite of serve, just as they torment and obstruct the Heavenly kingdom on Earth. On Earth we have the help of the Saints and Angels - especially our guardian angels. In Hell, that will not longer exist. On Earth we can bask in God's physical presence, in Hell, He is lost and we are separated from Him forever. So, if you think about it, by proclaiming we become an angel at death, we are aligning ourselves more with the fallen ones than the heavenly, because we are promoting and preaching a fallacy they themselves embraced and continue to promote and embrace, we are carving out our own brand of servitude, based on our own selfish pride and self aggrandizement. It is anything but holy. Also, denying the fact that most of us need prayers at death and are far from perfect enough to enter the Heavenly realm without the cleansing blessing of Purgatory, another heresy based on pride and our own definition of God and salvation, and false, dangerous ones at that.
So, learn the Faith, and stop giving your loved one at the very least a demotion, but really an association with Hell and the demonic angels we mimmic here on earth with our disobedience. Pray for the dead, they need it. Hopefully one day, we will need those prayers as well, while we are purged from all the sin and vice that causes all the confusion and heretical thinking in the first place.
May all of God's Saints and Angels intercede for us and serve us in this life, so that we can be with them physically praising and giving glory to our Creator God in the next, forever!