Families and Unconventional Grief
I am just a regular person – a devoted Catholic who fears for the future of the Church and the spiritual future of our children. I find it disturbing to see our President, Speaker of the House, and other Catholic politicians thumb their nose at the Church by supporting abortion, gay rights, and transgenderism. What is this telling the Catholic community? What is it telling our children? As long as you are rich and in a powerful position, it is okay to go against the faith?
I find it odd that only in recent days a few Bishops have "suggested" President Biden reconsider his position on issues contrary to the Church's teachings. Why can't they garner the courage to denounce the President and others in concert with him and publicly state they are denied the sacraments?
We Catholics take their sins to the confessional, repent and receive absolution. We go there with contrite hearts. Where is the repentance from President Biden, Speaker Pelosi, and others in public life? They openly defy their faith, and that is propelling the Church down a slippery slope. The only way to rise again is Church leadership refusing to succumb to fear, not letting the heresy continue. Show the faithful no one is exempt from consequences or above the law of God.
2 Timothy 3 warned us: "Be sure of this. In the last days, hard times will come. (2) People will love themselves. They will love money. They will talk about themselves and be proud. They will say wrong things about people. They will not obey their parents. They will not be thankful. They will not keep anything holy. (3) They will have no love. They will not agree with anybody. They will tell lies about people. They will have no self-control. They will beat people. They will not love anything that is good. (5) They act as if they worshipped God, yet they do not let God's power work in their lives. Keep away from people like that.