Every single human being is made in the image and likeness of God.
We find our unity in our beginning, that we are made in the image and likeness of God. We have our common being, our humanity, in common. Sure, we may have disagreements and factions that divide us, but we find the basis for our unity within our very existence. And we find healing from our divisions, from sin, in Jesus who died for and loved of us.
With our many self-inflicted divisions, we must still recognize our unity. See the humanity in the other person. See how much God loves the other person, as the baby they once were and how they are now as well. Many times our disagreements are rooted in thinking the other person is wrong and does not love others. But we must see that our disagreements most-commonly are just disagreeing in how to properly love. That greatly helps us to confront our disagreements and those we disagree with.
While many divisions are self-inflicted, we must not be naïve to dismiss those who wish to divide us. Indeed if we dismiss this, we are ultimately doomed to fail. Of course, we must first realize that it is ultimately the Devil that is trying to divide us. He wants to divide us from each other and instill hate into our hearts for others so that we might divide ourselves from God. Surely, there are people that try to divide us, but we would be naïve to dismiss the spiritual battle. Jesus wants to win our hearts and the Devil wants to separate our hearts from Jesus for all of eternity.
We must look past the current divisions and look toward eternal unity with God. Not that we dismiss them, but that we put them into proper context. This is a battle we are engaged in for our eternal destiny. A battle that has been raging since the beginning and a battle that we can win easily. If only stay on the side of God, who is all-powerful and all-loving.
Jesus, help us to see Your love for others in order that we might not distance ourselves from You. Help us to bring love to others rather than hate, that only divides us from You and our eternal destiny in Heaven.