It is You Christ who lifts me up
As I look on the terrible onslaught of this Covid-19 that hit our world a year ago, and even after spending 13 days in St. Clair Hospital (12 days in ICU) with the disease, and returning back home January 10, I have felt closer to God than at any time in 49 years in diaconal ministry. I can say this because after learning that I was close to death (never knowing that while in the hospital) and seeing how those who prayed for me somehow were recipients of the Lord allowing me to suffer some (although I believe my wife Joan and all the rest suffered more than I), were brought closer to Mary the Mother of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
But still, I sit here reflecting on all that is occurring right now - political unrest, anarchy and violence, no true law and order. I especially miss the Sacraments at church, and the fact that I am unable to get there presently for fear of Covid-19 eats away at my own faith. The deeper fear is not the disease as much as what is on the horizon for our church - government control that may become law, and the drifting away of believers from their faith.
Are some of the predictions in Revelation coming to fruition? As I have already written before, are we in the period of retribution? Has God finally decided to let those in charge take over, as prophecies have set the stage for a final showdown of the Anti-Christ coming full speed at us? With Iran on the verge of a nuclear weapon and Israel in their sights, what Sacred Scripture will come alive and fulfill the many predictions of Russia (Northern Kingdom) along with Iran and others gang up and attack God’s chosen City? Is Armageddon on the horizon?
This is a lament on what will come upon the earth. Why? Because God has been pushed out of our presence, or is on the way out of the teaching and acceptance of those who should know better, but their premise is not on goodness, but greed, not peace but violence towards anyone who disagrees with their policies and self-centered attraction to follow the very manner that Satan used; to be like God or better. The methods being applied do not need to be spiritual to be better than God in their eyes. They already are taking their place as self-promoted gods and will fall from Grace; which already is happening. They’ve begun the journey to self-destruction and the sad thing is how many will they take with them?
Can anyone say that one political party has the answer? I don’t believe there is any one group that that will solve the dilemma that we may be facing. As so many examples in the Old Testament showed that when the people (including at times the religious leaders) tired of their allegiance to God they fell and their fall was not pleasant. Without adherence to God and people (many, many people) must turn back to God, seek His intervention, not just because we are frightened, but using the fear of God as it is meant. A true reverence to God, trusting in his love, and understanding the real meaning of worshiping our creator.
Perhaps, God will hear us and bring about change. That means those who are the “powers that be” must change their free will. They won’t and God will not interfere with that. Leaves us in a disparaging position, does it not?
Ralph B. Hathaway, February 1, 2021